
OK, it’s being described as the coldest day in October, and I believe them… it’s distinctly icy and cold, and I want an extra blanket and a hot cocoa!  I’m not a little ice block, I’m not, but it seems like this is my immediate future!  Jerry is still trying to hide because that annoying alarm is still beeping every 30 seconds.  Thankfully they’ll be here in the morning to fix it… it’s really annoying!  Don was up early this morning, calling to try to get updates, and has been feeling much more alert today.  So far there are no sports, but it’s still early… he’s glued to his phone at the moment, and I am happy that’s he’s feeling better.  There will be more sports I’m sure, but I’ll take my pause 😝

I didn’t sleep too well last night, because of Jerry, of course.  I finally had to throw him out around 5am and then I got so sleep until about 10.  It took a while for me to get my bearings, because I felt so groggy… I was reading my grant applications and dozing off so that tells you how fascinating they are!  My soup was lunch again; I have to say that I really quite enjoy it.  I’m trying to think of what the next dish will be that I’ll enjoy.  It’s odd to find something that I like and manage to eat larger portions.  I honestly have no idea what it is about Caribbean food that’s so encouraging… I’ll work on finding something; I still can’t handle curry 😥 but at least there are many other possibilities that I can try.  It seems to me that many prepackaged foods just taste salty or bland, and I don’t have any desire to eat much.  We’ll work on this.

As you know, it’s Halloween, and the TV has been flooded with “decorating ideas” and all sorts of ghoulish costumes.  I am not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of Halloween.  In the first place, it wasn’t part of my culture growing up and we only ever saw the occasional cartoon — my sister was a huge fan of Charlie Brown and the great pumpkin, I think; and a Garfield one that first aired when we were tweens.  By the time we were in our late 20s, Halloween parties were becoming more popular especially at clubs.  It’s more common now, but still not a huge deal.  Personally, I don’t get the point of shrouding one’s home in cobwebs, graves and other ghouls.  It just doesn’t make sense to me.  I saw someone today trying to persuade others that it’s a very Catholic tradition to have these grizzly decorations.  It’s a particularly weak set of arguments, and I honestly think that they’d know better than to try so hard to push their theories.  (I think it’s theirs; it doesn’t contain an imprimatur so it’s clearly not official teaching.)  That aside, if people want to celebrate the spooky elements of life, they’re free to do so, I’ll just be happily at home in my mainly-adult building, with nobody banging on my door.  My niece and nephew are out tonight, dressed as Minnie and Mickey Mouse, looking extremely adorable.  Their school costumes were respectively Rapunzel and a baby shark (very terrifying!)  The photo is their carved pumpkin display.

That’s all for tonight, really.  I’m going to find something for dinner and get a meal down.  Hopefully I’ll manage not to disturb the tiny dog, who is half napping, half surveying me… with that, then, Good night!


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