
Good morning October!  It was overcast and somewhat muggy today, although no rain and it wasn’t too hot.  It was one of those days where I wanted to do more than my energy could stand, but it’s all good.  Jerry has been in an odd mood; whenever the phone rang, he’d start barking persistently, run to the door and bark more.  He seemed to think that someone was coming up.  He’s on my feet now, huffing because I’m typing.  Don fell during the night last night.  He said that he woke up around 2, went to make some toast, and fell, knocking over a potted plant.  He’s ok, thankfully, but I never heard anything although he said that it made a lot of noise.  I’m somewhat freaked out, as you can guess, but he’s not in more pain and says that he can move everything so nothing’s broken…

Evidently I had a good night’s sleep!  I only knew what happened when I came out this morning and saw the plant upside down on the floor… I was able to clean it up and chase Jerry from eating the leaves, then had to sit to catch my breath.  I was able to eat today, although I find that some things are again tasting… wrong, especially bread.  I don’t know what it is, but I tried making a grilled cheese and struggled to finish it as it tasted wrong.  I hope that it’s not a return to the challenging period of not being able to eat!  The bruise on my leg is somewhat faded, so I may not need to discuss it with the nurse… we’ll see what it looks like in the morning when she arrives.

Today is a year since Auntie Ming left us.  I had arranged to have a Mass offered in her memory today, and my siblings and I are having our own, private memorials as well, as we’re not in the same country or even city.  We all still miss her deeply, and the world just feels a little emptier than it should.

I’m pleased to advise that my elder niece has managed to land a part time job over the Christmas season with a promise that if she does well, she’ll be able to return for the other holiday breaks.  She’s very excited as this is her very first paid, non-family-related, job, and she’s looking forward to it.  I, being me, said that I’m pleased that she’s joining the ranks of tax payers and the gainfully employed, she just rolled her eyes at me and told me to settle down.  

I’m looking forward to hopefully catching up with some of my friends this week.  We’ve got plans to meet up, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that things go according to plan, as it would be nice to see them.  I’ve given up worrying about how much food I can or can’t eat, and just plan to enjoy my friends’ company.

I’m being butted and told that my lap is needed by a small black dog who is neglected and unloved!  So I’ve got to head off before he scratches a hole in my leg! Good night


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