It’s the end of October in about 2 days and all of a sudden it seems that Mother Nature has just checked her calendar! The temperature took a massive nosedive and it feels icy! Apparently they’re calling for the s-word overnight into tomorrow; yes, I know the time is coming, but does it really need to rush? I think not. Since last night, the fire alarm in our condo began to beep every 30 or so seconds. It’s unsettled Jerry badly, to the point that last night he tried burying himself under me, and today he’s been shaking and trying to hide! When he’s on me, he’s trying to climb inside my shirt and is trembling badly, poor little guy. He’s unnaturally quiet, and while I like him not barking incessantly, I don’t like him in this shaky state. I’ve called the building manager, left a voicemail and an email and am waiting for a reply. The longer I wait, the angrier Don gets, so I hope I am the one who answers any calls… Apparently if there’s ever a lull in “regular” sports, there are some “bonus” sports that pop up to occupy TV time. Like car racing. Men, wrapped in body armour, drive in loops around a track trying to not crash or kill themselves. 🥱. You may infer from this that Don is feeling better, since this is something he watched.
Today was a mixed day. I dragged myself out of bed this morning because I’m still trying to maintain a routine. I honestly could have slept longer, but I wanted to do certain things this morning. I had some extra energy, so decided that I would make some split-peas soup, which required that I chop up some vegetables. Doing that sucked all of my energy, and it took me well over an hour to cut up an onion, a couple cloves of garlic, a small eddo and a
sweet potato (including time to peel the latter.) So I had to sit and restore some energy, and then I loaded everything into the pot and left it to simmer. Then I made dumplings, blended the soup so there aren’t any chunks of vegetables, added the dumplings at the end and left it to finish. I had a normal sized bowl — I’ve come to the reluctant conclusion that I will probably eat more of the foods I liked as a child than almost anything else. There’s enough soup left for a good 6 or 8 meals, and I’ll freeze part so I’ll just reheat at a later date. But the energy to cook… I was expecting my support worker, but she called to let me know that her mom is not doing well.
Can anyone explain to me why otherwise intelligent humans fall for the most ridiculous conspiracy theories? Just in the last week, I’ve been told (by people with perfectly straight faces) that the white lines that follow a plane in the sky are chemicals that the government is using to control the minds of its citizens; that the early really is flat, honestly, and there’s not “proof” of the curvature…; why it’s bad to have babies with a demographic like my (home area); that the government and “Big Pharma” just want people to be sick so they pump your body full of toxins, and since (my friend) moved to naturopathic and homeopathic medications, etc. It’s upsetting to me, made worse by the view that, “it’s not harmful, it’s just a few plants.” It’s so irresponsible to ignore your doctor who is doing their best to save your life.
I’m about half awake now, so I’m off to seek my blankets and pillows. Good night!
Same cous push my self out of bed each day at 7am for tea light exercise and daily chores.....everyday we both so exhausted Just from doing one thing ....where día our energía go ...I pray happy come Backstreet to us daily amen.