First Friday

It’s been warm, rainy and muggy today; the rain was spritzing off and on throughout the day although it’s now sunny.  Jerry is in his usual spot, and is stretching with an eye to jumping on my lap as soon as he can get a chance.  He was dancing all over my support worker today, and invaded my shower whenever he could!  He scooted at the first hint of water on his fur, though, and sat outside the door!  Don’s pain continues to reduce slowly, although it persists, and he walks more steadily when he uses the walker.  I’m really hopeful that he’ll feel much better soon (and perhaps see a doctor?  Although that last one seems unrealistic at the very least.)

I slept a little better last night, even though I still woke up a few times and had some difficulty falling back asleep.  I didn’t need a nap this afternoon (although I wouldn’t have been able to sleep if I’d tried!) and I’m actually quite hungry tonight.  I’m debating whether to order something or cook, but I haven’t made up my mind in either case yet.  My physiotherapist was here for an hour; she’s new to me so we had to do the full history again… I explained that I’d been referred 6 months ago but apparently fell through the cracks, so the issue that I had has mostly gone.  She did assess my mobility and range of movement anyway, concluded that I do not need any more adaptive devices and that my balance is less than perfect.  I now have a list of about a dozen exercises to do now with the aim of improving my stability and core strength, which my support worker and I will do together.  I have to do them standing, although the illustrations show seated positions; she would like me to be more steady, which is fine.

My dad is home and recovering.  When he got home yesterday he was a little disoriented, and was trying to give instructions as to things to be done (that weren’t needed, like getting meds — the prescription was filled before he left the hospital)  He slept well, he ate well — his appetite is robust, thankfully!  — and we had a caregiver spend the day with him to give my sister a little break.  He seemed to like her, and was listening to her instructions, which is good.  He will need to go back to the clinic in a couple of weeks to see the urologist so we’ll just keep an eye on him.

I had a conversation with my lovely big cousin today, as she’s preparing for her (second) daughter’s 26th birthday this weekend.  We had a moment of laughing at how quickly kids grow up even while we pretend that we haven’t aged much.  It’s a chat that I’ve had with many people over the years — I mean, learning that one of my classmates is a grandmother was a shock to me, and to her, since we didn’t want to fully accept that we were over 50.  I’ve got another friend who is anxious to become a grandmother (I tease her about it, because that’s my job) although her child isn’t yet married, only finished university a couple of months ago and only started a job about 2 weeks ago… Part of my teasing is that she often grumbles that her child “only” spoke with her for 2 minutes last week, and I’ll point out that if they were married, the odds are that their conversations would be less frequent, even more since they’re not in the same country and are separated by several time zones!  She calls me names, but says that I’m still her friend, because she sometimes needs reminding.  For myself, my godchildren are all now full adults, ranging from 25 - 35 and I’ve been struggling to accept that the little babies that I burped and fed and told bedtime stories are now full adults who are succeeding in their chosen fields in different ways!  I forgot to mention that yesterday was my goddaughter’s birthday and we had a very brief chat where I reminded her that I love her and am proud of her and wished her well.  In some ways, it’s easier now than when they were kids, but only because I’m sure that they are strong and capable and I’m less afraid of giving bad advice!  I remain terrified of being an example to others, when I review some of the choices I made!

I found a lot of dreadful puns today and shared a few with family and friends… I got replies in 4 languages groaning at me and telling me to behave!  (Thank goodness for Google Translate!)  I shared the photo with you because I couldn’t keep it to myself… Enjoy, and don’t stick pins in your Sonja voodoo doll, please!  Jerry would be very upset to have his cuddle time interrupted by pin jabs, and you don’t want him to be sad, right?  Good night! 😘 


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