Sleepy day
My sister likes sending out some really awful puns; I thought this one needed sharing. Blame her, not me! Jerry is sulking a bit because I threw him out of the bedroom last night as he had made himself fully comfortable but I was folded like an origami swan… I needed a little space, and there was no way that he was trying to accommodate me! He got out until I had to go to the bathroom at around 5am, and then moved himself back and glued himself to the bed! He’s been either on Don or myself for most of the day, and stole a piece of toast from my plate, so he’s looking very proud of himself. Don’s watching several sports games — I’m surprised that he actually set timers for FOUR simultaneously! That’s just mind-numbing to me!
Sleep is erratic, as you might guess, but I am getting some. I’ve taken out some chicken from the freezer to cook tomorrow; I’m not sure what it will be, but I’ll work out something. I definitely need to adjust so I’m not ordering more than once a week because it’s super expensive, and I am annoyed with myself for slipping that badly. My father is doing pretty well, still arguing with the nurse but he’s being made to follow instructions and is settled. We’ve learned to ignore some of his complaints about “being in prison” etc, and he sounds strong. Very good on that front, I think!
So I need to share some exciting news! First, my lovely and very talented cousin Debbie has launched her new website for her cosmetics company DechĂ© Cosmetics and has begun listing products. Her products are all cruelty free, vegan and gluten-free, and are good quality. I’d encourage you to take a look at her site if you’re refilling your cosmetics bag. Second, my also lovely and artistic friend AndrĂ©e is having an exhibition and demonstration tomorrow (Sunday) where she’s showing her latest work and doing demonstrations of certain techniques. Her work is beautiful and very realistic and she’s been improving tremendously in the past couple of years. It’s an honour to know someone this talented! I look forward to catching up with her soon, which of course means that I’d like my sleep and the bouts of irritated tummy to regulate themselves! You can see some of her work on her Instagram account @andreedaviau
Isn’t is great when people progress in their chosen fields? I love being able to share these kinds of updates so that everyone can get a chance to enjoy what they’ve been doing. I hope that you enjoy seeing what my friends and relatives are doing, because I’m very proud of them all.
I’m off to take my meds now, and to try to avoid the tiny dictator, who is scratching my leg to jump up and toss my iPad off to the side. He’ll jump on Don shortly to try to steal some of his dinner, and then I’ll start working on my shopping list. Have a good night!
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