
It rained a lot today; and the temperature has dropped to seasonal, which, after the last few days, feels distinctly chilly!  I broke out my blanket/throw and have been wrapped in it with a small black dog curled up on my lap.  He’s now annoyed as I’ve thrown him off and he’s of the view that he’s the most important being in his world, and he should be allowed to do whatever he wants when he’s ready, never mind my intentions.  It’s hard to read/type/write when he’s on my lap as he forces the iPad to be too close to my eyes, hence the regular evictions!  Don’s a little better again today, and had a very healthy portion of food and desserts for his supper.  He’s got one of the everlasting sports game things on TV now, but I’m wondering if I can take advantage of his bio break to change the channel to something that is more interesting to me… although I’ve learned that he’s good at revenge, which may include turning up the volume when I’m trying to sleep or something equally evil, so perhaps I shouldn’t give in to my mischievous impulses?  What do you think?

I have to admit that today was a largely missed day.  First off, I had a LOT of trouble sleeping last night, and was awake from 12:45am to 3:30am, and I drifted in and out of sleep for a while.  I finally fell asleep around 6 and woke up at 10.  Then I had a very painful and traumatic session of “digestive distress” which left me weak and shaking, so I went to lie down, passed out and woke up 3 hours later.  I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything after my morning can of Ensure, so I got up and ordered something for us; I had intended to cook, but I felt so weak, shaky and tired that I decided against it.  I’m still feeling wiped and sleepy, so I’ll be heading in really early tonight!  You’ll know, of course, that this is not usual for me, and I have no idea what exactly happened, but I’m certain that I’ll be back to myself by tomorrow.

Happy to report that my dad is resting comfortably, not reporting any pain, and eating very well.  We’re just waiting now for the follow ups, but he’s doing ok.  He apparently has been trying to take charge and give (unnecessary) instructions about everything, so that’s another good sign. Thanks to everyone for your wishes, prayers and thoughts.  They are appreciated, and Daddy is quite pleased to hear that so many people are concerned about him.

I’ll sign off now and head in; my eyes are heavy and I feel like I’ve run a marathon while being dragged behind a truck.  Quick question though, my mattress has a memory foam topper but I can see and feel the dip of where I lie down.  That often leads to a sore spot on my back — I don’t have an open sore or bruise or anything, but there’s a place that hurts after I’ve been lying down for a while (I think this adds to my sleep issues)  Does anyone have any recommendations for a mattress topper or cushion or pillow or anything that I might be able to use to improve comfort?  It happens on any bed I’m on, I feel like I’m in The Princess and the Pea and I don’t like it.  Any ideas are welcome, thanks.  Good night!


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