New week

Another mostly grey day, although it was somewhat milder than the last few days.  These days with temperatures in the mid-teens will get fewer and fewer over the next few weeks, and I’m trying hard to not dwell on that or the longer nights, shorter days, and grey skies that are so typical of November.  I’ll work on that, or else I know that I’ll fall into depression and it will be hard to shake that off.  Jerry has just dropped himself on my feet after he’s tried and failed to plant himself on my lap and block my view of the TV, my book, and everything else!  He would leave me, go jump on Don, block his view of the TV, settle in for a minute then return to my lap.  Persistent, he is!  Happy that Don is feeling better today — he proudly announced that he made coffee today for the first time in 3 weeks, as he wasn’t feeling up to drinking any before.  Bear in mind that he normally drinks a few cups a day, so that’s a big deal.  I’d noticed that he didn’t want coffee, which is a sign that he’s not great, but he was smiling so contentedly over his mug today that it was fun to see.  He’s got the cutest little smile.

I had to be awake early this morning for my nurse, so I dragged myself out of bed more than an hour earlier than usual so I could be alert and seated when she arrived.  I promised myself that I’d go back to bed after she left, although she ran late, so I went back for a nap later than I’d planned.  I slept quite well for about 2 hours, and woke feeling refreshed and recharged.  I got a call from my social worker today — I like talking with her, as she’s a non-judgmental, impartial audience who isn’t involved in my normal life.  I had lunch — the last of my leftovers — and I’m now wondering what to do about dinner.  I’ll figure out something soon, it’s almost time to eat.

I’m very proud to announce that my elder niece sang a solo in Mandarin (which she just started learning last month as one of her university electives) at an exhibition.  She’s sung before, as part of a choir or group, so this was her first solo performance.  All reports (from her proud, biased, mother and some impartial guests at the event) are that she did a brilliant job, despite her admitted nerves.  She wore a dress that a friend of mine had passed on to her some years ago, and she looked lovely.  Auntie is tremendously delighted (I mention it, because clearly it’s not at all obvious in my gushing!) and she’s been showered in praise for her courage in volunteering (to perform solo to a large audience in a language she just started learning) and for her touching rendition of the piece.  

I’ve been looking for a new coat, as mentioned.  I’m disappointed in the offerings that I’ve seen.  The only ones I saw that had a style I liked were wool, which I would not wear in a Canadian winter — those coats, while gorgeous, are high maintenance and really only suited for photo shoots.  The parkas… OK, I really have to ask designers — what is the problem with putting pockets in women’s clothing?  We know how to use pockets, we do.  On outdoor items they’re essential, not a “detail” and I’m horrified that coats are released without a pocket!  Add in to that the really long coats with a narrow base… you can’t take a decent step in those because you essentially shuffle along in a hobble-like coat.  Those designers really need to get out of their heated workshops and go out in the winter so that the coats will actually be useful!  And, my personal gripe, how about some colour?  Other than black, white and navy blue?  I want patterns, colours, coats that stand out, not cookie cutter black or navy blue, please!  I went to some of my usual stores, and I’m very disappointed with their selection.  I’ll keep looking, because I do need a coat, but I’m less than enthusiastic about my luck.

I’m going to find something to eat; I think I’ll have to arrange some groceries this week too, as things are beginning to get a bit low.  Meanwhile… food, and trying to keep the dog off my lap!  Good night.


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