
It’s hot, muggy and very difficult to breathe today.  I’m seriously gasping for air… right now it’s 34C with very little breeze.  It’s a bit of a challenge today, but I’ll be fine.  Jerry is being a bit hyperactive, in part because I locked him out of the bedroom while I took a Zoom meeting, and partly because he’s looking forward to his walk later.  He’s now staring at the door waiting for my support worker to come back from starting laundry.  Don is much perkier today than he has been, thankfully, and is moving more freely, but is relying on a walker to get around.  That’s an improvement, so he doesn’t risk falling or staggering.  He’s not paying attention to me at the moment, because sports and “must win game” and something, something, playoff something… See how fascinated I am by his interests?  Aren’t I good?  😁

So last night when I was going to bed, my phone fell and I didn’t see where it went.  I got up to look, concluded that it must have slipped under the dresser or under the bed and bent over to see what I could see… and I overbalanced and wound up on the floor.  I leveraged myself to my knees, and then “stuck” — I couldn’t manage to push myself up.  I yelled for Don and the walker, and he eventually arrived and I was able to use the walker to get up.  I’m not hurt, I was just really badly shaken and trembling and needed time to be able to breathe.  I still don’t have my phone, because I tried taking out the bottom drawers, got one out, it’s not under that one, and I can’t get it back in!  My support worker has been laughing herself silly and asking things like, “why did you do that?  Why didn’t you just wait for me?”  She’s doing some other stuff now and will rescue my phone in a bit.  She’s also been teasing me about not being able to text or communicate all day and asking how it feels to be back in the 1980s… I just feel the concern.  Annoyingly, and painfully, I seem to have developed a pimple in my right ear, right at the entry to the ear canal.  The nurse saw it and said that it will go in a few days, but OH, how it hurts!  I’m whining like a baby, I know, but it’s very uncomfortable.

I have to report that my dad has spent most of today in the ER/A&E/ED because he had some signs of blood in his urine.  They ran several tests on him, but so far have no explanation for what’s causing it.  I will keep everyone updated on his progress.  My sister is with him, and she’s getting frustrated at how long it’s taking — a common issue with emergency departments worldwide, apparently.  I’m out of the loop since I don’t have a phone and can’t access the text apps, but my other sister has been updating me periodically via actual phone calls. Anyway, here’s hoping that everything goes well with him; he’s still there, and the most recent update had him getting some fluids.  

Since this seems to be turning into a full medical update, I have a couple more short items for you.  I got a delivery from the pharmacy this afternoon, but it was missing THE medication that I needed.  I called back, explained that I need it by Friday and am now sitting with my fingers crossed that they will arrive by Friday.  Then I called our doctor to ask if we could get the flu shot when we have our appointment in a couple of weeks; the receptionist was very polite but said that they didn’t have the flu shots and weren’t sure when they’d get them.  So I said we’ll just wait and see, thanks for the call back.  I then got a call for which I’ve been waiting for 6 months… I finally have a physiotherapist assigned after a request was submitted last May!  She’ll be here this week.  Then about an hour ago I got a call from my pharmacist, saying that I’m being added to the list of patients for the senior’s flu shot (it’s a different concoction that protects against a few more strains)  He expects their delivery within a week or so.  So I said, “Thank you very much,” ensured that Don was on his list and was very relieved to have that sorted out.  A busy but useful day, I must say.

As I said, I’m not really hurt from my stupidity last night, although I found that today I was a bit stiff moving around.  I took an extra rest, and actually dozed off in the middle of my Zoom meeting!!  It’s apparently a common thing with me; every time I meet with this group, I struggle to stay alert and fully participate!  Perhaps they cast a sleeping spell on me?  I don’t know.  Jerry is now out for a run, thankfully, as my legs are not being scraped and my arms aren’t being pulled out of their sockets as he tries to go to my worker!  I’ll take advantage of that and go find something to eat.  Good night!


  1. Glad to know you alright ....even papa back home ....bless night.


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