
I’m going to grumble about the cool until it starts getting really cold, then I’ll complain about that!  As I get older, I’m less and less fond of wintry weather, or crisp autumn days or drenching Fall rains.  I want warmer, late-spring, early summer, low 20sC daytime temperatures and about 14C over night.  I find that it’s more challenging to stay warm and I am not ashamed to grouse about it!  Jerry has just left my lap, where he was trying to disrupt my reading most of the day, and is now blocking the TV so Don can’t watch his hockey game.  When I was watching my shows earlier, Jerry was sitting on my lap, trying to block my view of the TV, and I think in his little mind it’s his way of trying to assert dominance.  Don, to me, is moving more smoothly when he relies on the walker, but he disagrees when I say something.  I know he can’t walk too fast or too far, but he’s able to move around a bit more.  He is, of course, settled in to watch hockey over Jerry’s head, in hopes of being able to maintain some control… I’m just giggling at the argument.

I’m definitely more energetic today than the last couple of days, although I’m still not perfect.  I started a little cough today, which may be a side effect (possible ‘flu-like’ symptoms that may last for a day or two) as it just appeared today.  I also did a little bit of cooking, so I had something for lunch and dinner today.  Odds are I’ll be heading to bed soon, as I didn’t realize that it was getting so late in the day!  Reports from home are that Daddy is doing well, and hasn’t been acting out at the nurse, which is an improvement.  

My afternoon peace was interrupted by those… persons… who thought that driving trucks through downtown and honking their horns was a good idea.  I’m still traumatized from the invasion a couple of years ago, so when I heard it starting up, I became very tense.  There were quite a few of these… individuals who would like to believe that they’ve “lost their freedom” although when pressed, they have no idea which freedoms and they simply repeat their jingoistic phrases.  They inspire some strongly negative feelings in me, and I would like to permanently deprive them of their freedom of movement and freedom of having disposable income among others.  I try very hard to understand the points of view of different groups, as it’s far too easy to lump groups together and hurl blanket accusations at them.  But as I explained to one friend, that’s not a good or healthy way to go through life.  I understand stereotypes as they’re a convenient shorthand for describing repetitive behaviour, but relying exclusively on them leads to at least some dreadful misunderstandings and from there into open conflict.  That being said, though, I honestly can’t comprehend the thinking of these… moronic troglodytes who think that disrupting the peace to protest against a non-existent problem is actually accomplishing anything other than annoying peaceful citizens!  

I discovered today that a series that I had very much enjoyed when I was younger has been expanded by the original author, and there are now a total of 7 books, up from the 3 I knew.  They’re sadly not available from the library’s ebook collection, and the website that I sometimes use to read newer books only has the first 3.  They are available for purchase through Amazon and Indigo, though, but they will overflow my bookshelves, which are currently stuffed to bursting!  I think that I may add them to my Christmas wish list, so if anyone is stuck for ideas, there will be at least 4 books there!  (There are also a couple of preorders that I’ve been eyeing…)  I think that’s fair, right?

I’m starting to feel chilly, so I’m off to make a cup of something hot, and then I think I’m off to bed… Good night!


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