Double ten

The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain, but round here it makes itself at home and settles in for the long haul.  More rain today, and it was distinctly chilly today.  My warm stuff is getting an earlier use than I’d planned!  As for the dog, he seems to think that my lap is the only comfortable location in the house… I throw him off and he just yo-yos back up.  The only advantage is that my leg stretches are done with a weight so I work a little harder.  Don is doing reasonably well, and ate all the chicken I cooked yesterday sometime in the middle of the night — I came out to find an empty bowl this morning.  He’s got plans to do some cooking tomorrow, so I’m quite happy with that idea.  Anything that keeps him up, busy and functional.  There’s more sports on TV again and I really have to wonder how long hockey — a winter sport — is played during the non-icy part of the year!

I had an uncomfortable night due to a dog who refused to move and settled himself so I couldn’t stretch out my legs or turn.  I did manage to catch up on some of my sleep this afternoon so I don’t feel ragged.  I think Jerry might need to be banished for a couple of days so I can sleep better if he refuses to stay in his area.  Daddy’s nurse arrived today, and he’s responding well to her.  He was laughing and flirting in his old way, and trying to give instructions as to how things were to be done.  The doctor also visited him and gave him a quick check, removed the catheter and he’s more comfortable.  All in all, good things!

I know that I’m getting old and curmudgeonly, and it gets worse when I see some ads.  They appear on loop every 45 seconds, it seems, and I have come to the conclusion that there are many products that I won’t buy, just because of the ads and their ridiculous claims!  Like the car company that’s focussed on a “thrill factor” for a new driver learning to parallel park, or a car that somehow magically “finds parking on game day” and sneaks through the night.  Or the one where the car is supposed to be a wild animal being released into the wild… seriously?  Cosmetic ads that use 18- to 20-year olds to demonstrate their “anti wrinkle” properties, or claim that they work so well that your DNA is unnecessary.  Toothpaste ads that suggest your life is sad, empty and loveless because your white teeth aren’t “perfectly white,” and on and on… Toys that in the commercial talk, walk, fly and light up, but in actuality do none of those things.  Websites that say that you can make money selling things you don’t need, overlooking the key point that in order to do that, you need to have bought designer name items which you’ll then sell at a 80% loss.  Other websites that suggest that they’re better equipped to fold parachutes than do printing (which is their alleged function) and fast food places that try to persuade consumers that their food will even vaguely resemble the photos, or will taste half decent while the actors fake-bite into chicken/sandwiches/fries, etc.  Rock stars who change their entire repertoire based on the shape of a chip and somehow pack an arena with screaming fans who want to hear… a triangle!  How dumb do ad agencies think we are, really?  Some of these might be amusing the first time, but by the time you’ve heard them for the 15th time in an hour, I’ve decided to swear off most of them!  I don’t know about others, but it’s really irritating.

Oh, and FYI, Disney+ is apparently planning to lose subscribers like Netflix by trying to lock down on shared accounts.  It does mean that I’ll cancel my subscription as it’s really only worthwhile to me if it’s shared.  I’m unlikely to replace it, either, what with the number of other streaming sites and the many that offer “free” content (ad supported, of course)  The thing is, I have fewer objections to “free” ad supported sites than to pay for “premium” content — which I did because it was touted as ad-free — only to be charged even more to remove the ads that weren’t supposed to be there in the first place!  I think that the executives who came up with that plan should be kicked out onto the gig economy and never rehired for their greed and stupidity!  

OK, old lady grumbles ending here; I’m going to clear up and head back to bed to get some more sleep.  The boys are curled up on the sofa with a sport on TV, so they’re happy.  Good night!


  1. You make me smile before bed as I read and pray for your sweet fam.


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