
It’s warmer than seasonal, but wet… the rain comes down quietly, but suddenly, and you’re often caught unaware.  It’s OK, since I only need my sweater in the evenings; during the day it’s fairly comfortable.  Jerry… last night he lay on my tummy for (no lie) 14 hours.  I was very tired and went in early, and then lazed for a bit this morning.  He never moved, except once when he fell off the bed trying to fit into a space that was too small for his little self.  I was out of bed for a grand total of 20 minutes, when I sat down and there was a dog magically on my lap, stretched out waiting for his tummy rub!  I asked if 14 continuous hours was insufficient, and apparently it was, as he only left my lap for short periods, and jumped back on at the slightest opportunity!  Don has somehow managed to jolt a shoulder so it’s in pain and he’s having trouble lifting plates of food… I’m beginning to warn him that he’ll get sent to a home if he keeps this up.  He (unsurprisingly) doesn’t take me seriously, and just settles down to watch his sports, which I’ve realized are on every night except Wednesday.  I think I like Wednesdays 😝 This photo was taken 8 years ago, on my dad’s birthday about a week after my mom’s passing.  We did our best, but it was some years before he smiled fully again.  It’s not possible to know what others are thinking, but it was the first half smile we’d seen since she left us.

Yesterday I did too much.  I had to pack and send something to my sister so that it would arrive at her place by Wednesday next week, and so I was occupied with that, then I walked one block over to the post office.  I had to sit and catch my breath before I went in to ship it out, but there was a lineup, meaning that I had to stand longer than planned.  I had arranged to meet a friend for lunch after my errand, in the same building; by the time I got to the restaurant I felt like I’d run a marathon and was exhausted.  Hurried home to find my support worker waiting for me; we did what we needed  to do and I had to have a lie down.  I feel more energetic today, and was able to cook some pork for our dinner.  I had plans to make soup, but that will just have to wait.  I won’t push myself too hard, I won’t, but I do have moments of frustration that my body doesn’t do what I want!

I hate to have to say this, I do.  Movember is almost upon us; you know, where men are encouraged to grow moustaches in support of (originally) prostate cancer, and now for men’s health.  I remember when it first appeared some years ago, when Chris had us commit subscriptions in support of his moustache.  As the years passed, more men have joined in; on the one hand, it’s a very simple way for fundraising and perhaps for awareness (I don’t see how, but then, what do I know?)  On the other hand, and this is where I have to speak up — moustaches are not universally attractive.  There are many men (the overwhelming majority, IMO) who look much better clean shaven.  The face fungus that fills the upper lip is really only required for those unfortunates who have a long upper lip, a weak lip and who know how to groom and wear that thicket.  I look at pictures of Victorian-era men with their mighty sideburns, waxed and pomaded effronteries that act as traps for crumbs and gravy!  Beards are even worse!  I hate to admit it, but I really am not a fan of facial topiary.  I expect that some of my friends will now find it necessary to inundate me with their beards and moustaches.  Don wears a moustache which I tolerate, because he’s got a long upper lip that is scary when naked.  Every now and then he decides that he’s not shaving because it’s playoffs (or something equally irrelevant) and I hover around with a pair of shears, charged wireless clippers and his electric shaver.  I hate it.  He’s much better looking without it!  Then one of my friends — former military — decided one year to regrow the ‘stashe he’d worn in the military.  I called him “Sgt Stash” which didn’t take long to become “Sgt. Stacie” and I’ve never seen it since!.😥  So if you’re participating, I recommend a straight up donation instead of morphing into walking topiary, please!

That’s about it for tonight.  I plan to go in a little early; I’m craving sweets, so I may have an ice cream before bed, we’ll see!  Jerry’s fallen asleep on the sofa, so I’ll try tiptoeing over to the freezer and maybe I’ll be safe?  Good night!


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