
Showing posts from February, 2024

Leap day

Welcome to leap day, bonus day, leap year day… whatever you want to call it!  There were a few news articles on why we do this — something that I remember being covered years and years ago in primary school, along with the differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendars!  It’s been very cold and windy today, although it’s sunny, and I’m not in any hurry to get dressed to go to my scan tonight (which is why this is so early today).  Jerry has been guarding me all day, either by lying on my lap on his back or on my feet.  He won’t let me out of his sight, and I’m not sure why exactly!  He’s now decided to run around and throw his ball at me, and to bark when I am not fast enough in tossing it back.  Don is still struggling with his pain, and is trying to manage it.  He’s got appointments with doctors (YAY!!!) next week and the following week, so hopefully that will help with some relief.  I need to remember his times, as one of them is a vide...


It was 15C today!  15!!  That’s a record for February in Ottawa, where it’s more usually something in the negative teens or twenties, but it’s been a very mild and today is just an example.  We had a huge thunderstorm this afternoon, which made it very dark around 3:30, and we had a spectacular show of flashes and bangs.  There’s a flash freeze warning for tonight, as the temperature is due to drop to -15; and while I’d normally just roll myself into my blanket tomorrow, I’ve got an appointment… the cold could have held off another day, IMO!  Not sure how, but Jerry broke one of his nails.  We found it on the floor, and I checked him.  He isn’t showing any pain, which is a relief.  I found the toe with the broken nail, and it seems ok.  We’ll keep an eye on him to ensure that he stays fine.  Did I mention that baseball is starting up again?  ðŸ™„  That means that the games are on in the afternoon, followed by other sports later s...


Oh what a warm early springlike day it is today — I have the balcony door open as it’s about 12C, slightly overcast, with no wind.  It’s arousing a lot of comment, and concern about the summer, as last year’s wildfires have continued to burn underground and we’ve had nowhere near the snow we should this winter, so there’s that, too.  I have a small dog on my feet, who’s snoring gently and twitching every so often with his dreams… little bunny-puppy kicks.  He plopped on my lap when I sat down, then went to eat and is now napping.  Exactly like Don, who is curled up on the sofa also snoring gently and will probably complain that it’s chilly when he wakes up.  He was annoyed last night as his team lost by a lot, although I think he made up his disappointment by watching “spring training” which is, if you believe it, even more boring than regular games, despite the efforts of the announcers! I had an off day yesterday, as I felt sluggish, not-exactly queasy, not hu...

Lent wk 2

It was sunny but very cold yesterday, and it’s milder today but still not particularly warm.  These chilly looking crocuses were sent to me from some friends in NY, where they popped up in the neighbourhood.  Looking forward to a milder and warmer week ahead.  Jerry is lying down now after being a little hyperactive.  He ate, then tried chasing his ball, chewed on a toy, nibbled on Don’s elbow, ran around the house and bounced around quite a lot.  He’s tired himself out for a bit, so I’ll just be quiet and not wake him up.  Don is still struggling with pain in his legs and walking slowly and painfully around.  Some of the medications work better than others, but they cause some messy side effects, so he’s being cautious about how they’re used.  It seems that baseball is starting up again, as I see that there are games popping up in the reminders on TV… so that will take care of him for a few more months! I’m in the droopy, not really hungry stage ...

Chemo 4/2

Yesterday we had a warm but rainy afternoon.  It was fairly mild, which was nice, and I probably could have managed with a sweater, but I wore the light puffer anyway.  Today is much colder, and tonight it’s supposed to drop to -19.  The news was saying that it’s been a very mild winter, and we haven’t had any temperatures below -20 yet.  They are actually hoping for at least a couple, but we’ve got a warm spell coming through from Sunday so it may not be likely… Jerry is on my feet again; I can feel his little paws on my toes, and his breath on me.  He was working hard to get me off the phone today and then moved onto my lap for cuddles.  He’s complaining about having to eat “dog food” and was loudly crunching at me!  Don is still dealing with sciatica and he walks with “sound effects” — the pain is enough that he groans when walking.  He was happily watching his game last night, and I’m temporarily not banned, as his team scored 3 goals while I ...


It was a mild, sunny day today, which is surprising because it started at -23 at 7am.  It felt almost springlike this afternoon, when we reached 4C.  It’s supposed to get up to almost 10 tomorrow, which is freakish for mid-late February, but to restore winter, it’s due to be -19 on Saturday.  Guess who will  not  be leaving the house that day (apart from the fact that she’ll be connected to an IV for 8 hours)!  Jerry has been on my lap for the last hour and a bit, patting my chin with his little paw and moving my hand to ensure that his tummy is fully massaged.  He was quite comfortable until he decided that Don looked lonely on the sofa and moved.  Don was having a challenging morning, and thinks that his pain meds are making him queasy.  He’s feeling a bit better now, but is still slow.  Gotta say that age and infirmity are not a good combination!  We got a call to say that he’s been declined for support services, and the only exp...


It was cold this morning… started off at -12 and just seemed to get colder throughout the day.  It seemed reasonably sunny for the day, but I still found it to be frigid.  It’s supposed to be milder for the rest of the week, so the skaters are going to be out of luck again.  Jerry was very excited to see my support worker, who’d hurt her back and was off for a week (and I told her that just looking at her, she should probably still be off… she’s walking with that stiff “I’m in pain” gait that suggests back problems)  I feel guilty about some of the things that she needs to do, so I’m holding off on some of them until things improve.  The tiny monster is on my feet again, after jumping around like a demented jackrabbit on a pogo stick.  He tailed my worker everywhere, and jumped on her lap as much as he could.  Don is having an attack of sciatica in the leg opposite the one that usually has the issue.  He’s limping badly when he walks, but says tha...

Family Day

It’s a holiday today, and the weather was bitingly cold — I was indoors and couldn’t get warm at all!  I was watching the news where people were out in the cold “taking advantage” of the holiday and the sunshine, even with the chill.  The Canal was open, although they said that conditions were not idea, but it certainly was crowded with families and visitors.  Jerry is curled up in front of the heater, except when he’s jumping into my lap for cuddles — he was nosing my hand onto his tummy, and crawling under my blanket.  Then he was chasing his ball around and looking like a little bunny.  So adorable!  Don is good, except that he’s still in pain, and it’s hard for him to walk easily.  He’s been using the percussion massager to help him feel better, and trying not to use too many pain pills as they have some unpleasant side effects, and dealing with those  is often more annoying than the pain in his joints.   I’m thrilled that he finally has ...


It snowed overnight, and this morning everything was all pretty, covered in a white blanket.  It’s snowed off and on the rest of the day, and I saw reports of multi-car pileups due to whiteout conditions on the major highways about an hour away.  More snow is expected tonight.  It’s also very  cold, which makes the outdoor enthusiasts happy because there might be better ice, whereas I am pretending to be a wrapped roti with multilayer insulation!  The tiny dictator is in his playful mood, and is trying to steal anything that he can and run away with it.  I’ve so far removed the peel of a mandarin that I put on a plate for a moment, a cupcake liner, and Don lost a slice of toast, because we aren’t quick enough when the little face suddenly pops up.  I put stuff on the coffee table while I disentangle my IV pole… and swoosh… gone.  Don is watching another true crime documentary, which is his “no sports on today” hobby.  I’m horrified at how man...


We had a “snow bomb” last night, although it was a small one.  That’s when there’s a dump of snow in a short period.They were expecting a lot more than we got, and were waiting for hours for it to arrive.  When it did, the snow didn’t last more than an hour, and the world was white again.  It’s one of those moments where it seems that the news gets hyped up and then reality is much more banal (thankfully) than expected.  I’m glad we’re not in the East Coast, where they got 40cm+ of snow in a night, so everything was closed off for a while.  I’m also glad that my appointments were done for the week, so I didn’t need to leave the house.  Jerry is right now shredding the lid of a takeout container, because.  I’ve taken it from him, but didn’t immediately throw it out (I’m tied to my IV tube now) and he snuck it away from me when I was distracted.  He’s sitting out of reach, so I can’t take it from him… Don is back to bingeing true crime documentaries...

Chemo 4/1

Short update tonight.  I had my chemo today and it went well. Random nurses dropped by to ask how I was after the reaction last time, and were glad that I was doing fine.  I’m feeling cold — have been all day, and right now I have the heater pointed straight at me, while I’m wrapped in blankets and a sweater!  The little dog is not far, as usual, snuggling up to Don.  He’s muttering something about shopping online, so I think it’s a good time for me to not listen!  I’m getting tired — aftereffects from the drug — so I think bed is called for.  We’ll catch up tomorrow (DV)  Meanwhile, good night!

Ash Wednesday

“On the feast of the Lupercal…” is a line from Julius Caesar, Act 1, scene 1 where Cassius (or Casca, I’ll need to look it up) is berating the crowds for gathering to try to crown Caesar as emperor.  Today would have overlapped that ancient feast of Lupercalia (which has turned into Valentine’s Day) and it’s Ash Wednesday.  Gotta love the changes, don’t you?  My tiny dictator is currently lying on the sofa, licking his lips and staring at me.  He’s had a stressful day.  There were several people in and out today for various medical issues, and he was very unhappy at the invasion of his private space.  He’ll need some cuddles to calm down before his day is upended again tomorrow— he doesn’t like when I have to go to the hospital.  Don had an appointment with his new care coordinator who conducted the intake assessment to determine what services he would need and what they might offer.  He’s waitlisted for a physiotherapist and a respirologist, and ...

Busy day

Someone sent me a photo of Tyrico Beach, in Trinidad.  I immediately felt a little homesick, as I’m several thousand kilodometers away from the warmth.  It started off as very cold — last night was -14C — and warmed all the way up to -5!  I have to say that -5 almost felt comfortable after this morning.  It was bright and sunny, which is always lovely except when it’s hitting you directly in the eyes as you’re driving!  Jerry spent the morning, of course, in my lap, and when we got back, he jumped back on me so I can’t move without throwing him off, and he’s using that as his signal to bark at imaginary intruders.  He nearly threw a fit when I got up out of my chair to go to the kitchen, and he’s been running between Don and myself.  Don was up late last night watching the recordings of his games so he was tired this morning understandably, and was sluggish getting started.  He’s perked up since, and managed to do a few things and is now playing w...


The weather changed a few times today.  It started with flurries this morning, then got chilly and miserable, then the sun came out and it was mild, almost warm (sweater weather, really)   I’m glad it cleared up, as I was out, and it was nice to enjoy the sunshine a bit more.  Jerry had a sulking fit because I left him for a while today.  He saw me getting dressed, pawed at his harness to show me that he knew where it was, and then jumped on my lap and tried to keep me from leaving.  When I got back, he immediately plunked himself on my lap and wouldn’t leave me alone.  He’s now on my feet and every twitch I make, he looks up at me with very disapproving little schnoodle eyes.  He’s also eyeing Don with suspicion, and is on high alert for anyone moving out of their chair!  Don is quite happy today after staying up quite late last night to watch his game, which his preferred team won in overtime.  I got a text in the middle of the night to tel...


Yes, she did it again… apparently, though, I was told that I blame her even when it’s not, but this is definitely my sister’s handiwork!  I’m not opposed to jokes, and sometimes you gotta suffer with me!  ðŸ˜ˆ  The little dictator is on my feet again — he curls up in the blanket and makes himself very comfortable.  It’s  sports day, people.  There have been no fewer than 7 hockey games and he’s gearing up for an NFL game shortly.  I give thanks that he wasn’t watching all the pre-game hype on the sports channels, so at least I’m spared all the sporty-bro-banter which makes my brain cells feel like they’re being killed off by their stupid commentary. I slept like a dry, well fed, year old infant last night… that lovely profound sleep where they look so happy and relaxed.  I dragged myself out of bed this morning because of Mass, otherwise I’d probably have slept until noon.  It was my own choice, and I can’t complain (although l’homélie was less...

Gong xi fai ca!

Happy Lunar New Year.  Have you eaten yet?  I think that’s a brilliant greeting, don’t you?  Especially when it’s followed by a banquet… Jerry has assumed a sulky guard on the coffee table as I’m not letting him on my lap just now.  He’s trying to both ignore and watch me simultaneously, which I find hilarious.  He’s got his head turned one way, and his eyes are fixed on me sideways, as if I can’t see him.  ðŸ˜†  It’s that time of night when games are on, and I’ve been dismissing repeated reminders on the TV for the start of Don’s game.  It’s his home team, so it’s (of course) being recorded, but it’s also on live and he’s a happy little gnome watching them.  I am now officially a “grass” (or should that be “ice”?) widow until at least Monday morning 😂  I had trouble falling asleep last night, although at least part of that is due to the fact that we were sitting up, talking until after midnight.  We had started watching a documentar...

Day out

My dessert from lunch today… if I say it was yummy, it’s an understatement!  It was 8C today, and beautifully sunny when we left the house, but overcast and damp this afternoon.  The patio door is actually open right now — in early February!  Jerry is trying to mooch my supper and pretending to be deaf when I tell him “No.”  I’m starting to think he thinks his name is “No, Jerry, don’t do that” when it’s not “Momma’s good boy” 😆 Don has now managed to watch several series of shows, evaluated a couple of new ones and has watched every true crime documentary available.  This weekend he’ll be happily back with his sports, although one ends on Sunday, and he’ll have to wait for spring training for baseball to start… 🙄 I had a fairly decent sleep last night, although as usual I was ready to sleep when it was time to wake up!  My sister-friend came and “kidnapped” me today, and we headed out for lunch at a little café that we both like — funny enough, when we d...


I’m reliving summer memories of flowers… I miss seeing grass, leaves and blooms outdoors instead of grey and snow on the ground.  Even with the sun today it’s still not enough!  Jerry is at my elbow trying to get my attention.  I was on the phone (naughty me) and he does not approve of me talking on the phone.  He tries to get my attention either by scratching at my arm, nibbling on my elbow or jumping on my lap, and he can’t do the last as I have the iPad there.  I hear little sulky huffing noises from the area of my feet, so he’s definitely  annoyed with name for not paying more attention to him!  ðŸ˜†  Don was binging a new TV series this afternoon — his withdrawal is getting quite severe!  It will almost be a relief when the sports restart on the weekend, as he’ll then be less lethargic and I’ll be less concerned at the sheer number of true crime documentaries he’s watching! I gave in last night and took one of my sleeping pills, and I slep...


My sister has been into my inbox again… I have to share because it’s not fair that I suffer alone with these puns!  It’s yet another mostly sunny day today, although it’s beginning to get chilly as it gets later.  So blankets again!  Jerry was a little hyperactive this afternoon, chasing his toys around and leaping on the furniture and down to the floor like a rubber ball himself.  After he ate, I had to stop him, as I know that he gets worked up and is likely to throw up so no playing after eating!  He’s lying on one of the balls and guarding it with his tiny tail flailing.  Don is counting the days until his sports resume on the weekend.  Our doctor sent in a request for him to get a support worker as I can’t do all the things I was doing, and we spoke with the care coordinator today to get him on the wait list.  Now comes the challenge of making sure that he doesn’t refuse their services!!   I never fell asleep until about 3am this morning...


The weather today was sunny and mild again; it’s so nice to have these wintry days where the sun shines and the snow looks sparkly instead of grey and sad.  I’m frustrated that I can’t do much walking without gasping for air like a beached fish, but it was certainly lovely to enjoy the light.  Jerry is happily running around chasing his Christmas present, which has surprisingly held up pretty well!  He enjoys chewing on the fabric (I keep an eye on it so I know when to throw things out) and beings it to be thrown around the house.  When my support worker was here, they were playing for a while until she had to attend to me (Jerry didn’t approve and sat outside the bathroom growling until I came out) until she left for her next client.  Don is still moping from his lack of sports, but he’s been recording the Championship week, and the one women’s game that was played in the last few days.  I almost feel sorry for him, as he’s reduced to watching celebrity ne...


It’s the first sunny day we’ve had in a while; according to the news, since November 2023!  At least 3 months, then, since last the sky was blue and there was a light in it.  It’s also fairly mild, although overnight is extremely cold, dropping below -15C.  I challenge the November date, as I seem to recall a couple in December, although January was largely overcast and grey.  Jerry was lying on my lap looking like a little stuffed toy, stretched out on his back to have his tummy massaged.  He’s now being cuddled by Don like a teddy bear, and they’re both curled into a heap at the end of the sofa.  Don is catching up with singing competitions to make up for the lack of sports, especially since his preferred teams are all losing one after the other!  The junior and women’s teams both played last night and both lost in overtime, so he’s not thrilled. Again I had a broken night last night.  I have no idea why I have been having these interrupted nigh...


Here are some Vancouver snowdrops, so the West Coast is also starting to show blossoms.  We’re still snowed under, so no flowers just yet.  Today is the birthday of my dear friend and big “brother”, who is brilliant, kind and super creative.  It’s also Don’s eldest son’s birthday so Happy Birthday, gentlemen!  Jerry is a little ball on my lap at the moment, looking very cuddly and sleepy.  Don is suffering sports withdrawal and is running out of true crime shows to fill in the gaps.  There are a couple of our “regular” shows that were recorded, but that’s not much.  He’s now resorted to NASCAR and was actually browsing football (soccer) to make up for the gaps.  Meanwhile, Jerry is teasing him with his toys, so they’ll all play happily. My support worker, lovely woman, has made me a beautiful lasagne for dinner and for lunch for the next few days.  I’m waiting (im)patiently for it to cool so I can eat some.  I had another interrupted nig...