
It’s the first sunny day we’ve had in a while; according to the news, since November 2023!  At least 3 months, then, since last the sky was blue and there was a light in it.  It’s also fairly mild, although overnight is extremely cold, dropping below -15C.  I challenge the November date, as I seem to recall a couple in December, although January was largely overcast and grey.  Jerry was lying on my lap looking like a little stuffed toy, stretched out on his back to have his tummy massaged.  He’s now being cuddled by Don like a teddy bear, and they’re both curled into a heap at the end of the sofa.  Don is catching up with singing competitions to make up for the lack of sports, especially since his preferred teams are all losing one after the other!  The junior and women’s teams both played last night and both lost in overtime, so he’s not thrilled.

Again I had a broken night last night.  I have no idea why I have been having these interrupted nights, and I’m avoiding using meds to help.  I hope it will not be necessary as I really don’t like taking them, even though it helps.  Happily my appetite is still fairly decent, and I’ve been eating the lasagne for dinner and lunch.  I’ll figure out something different for tonight, just so I’m not eating the same thing all the time.

I’m beginning to calm down now.  I had ordered groceries from Walmart to be delivered this afternoon when my support worker was here so she’d help me pack things away (I’m still attached to an IV, so that limits my movement somewhat).  The driver arrived and said that he was downstairs.  I said, (as I always do), please call the ring number and come up to my door.  He said that he can’t find a parking spot so he can’t.  I told him where to park, explained that I couldn’t walk, and again asked him to call the buzzer.  He swore at me, said that he was cancelling the order and returning it to the store.  He spent about 10 minutes complaining about the risk of getting a parking ticket — had he just brought up my order, he’d have been finished and gone in less than that.  So I immediately called Walmart to let them know what was going on.  The driver was still on my cell phone while I was talking to Walmart, so they heard him swear at me.  I was beyond furious.  I told Walmart that I couldn’t accept the order in 2 hours, as my worker would be gone and I’m unable to walk downstairs.  Order cancelled, I reported the driver for refusing to deliver and for swearing at me, and am minus my order.  I’m hunting for another grocery delivery service, and I reported the driver to DoorDash (they were the third party contractor).  This underscores why I disapprove of tipping; DoorDash had the chutzpah to expect me to pay the tip!  

OK, I’m going to see what’s in the fridge.  I’m really annoyed at how the delivery didn’t go, even though it’s supposed to be fully refunded to me — incidentally, how is it that charges to a credit card are immediate, but refunds take “5-10 business days” to be processed?  You took it off quickly, so put it back (plus interest) with the same speed!  I decided to use this adjusted “prayer” just to bring a smile back to my face and to let go of my anger.  I’m going to calm down and recover, and we’ll proceed with life.  Good night!


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