Chemo 3/2

This was actually yesterday; I’ll fill you in below.  The last couple of days were still grey, overcast, and miserable, although the weather forecast says that the “January thaw” is now over and winter is ramping up.  This is not my idea of fun and enjoyment, I tell you!  I’m clearly in the wrong country or at least the wrong city for mild winters!  Jerry is on my toes again, after some time on my lap.  He doesn’t approve of me being on my iPad, and was putting his paw on my screen so I can’t read my book or watch a video or anything else.  So I put it down, and he sits up to block the TV.  Clearly he’s on an anti-screen campaign and wants my full attention!  Don was glued to various sports, as usual, and then was watching a 48 hours marathon which I said was for him to learn new ways of disposing of my body… In retaliation, I put on several Law & Order episodes so the criminals were all caught and tried.  There are, though, more true crime shows available than police procedurals, so I might lose that battle.  Unfortunately for him, there is a break in most sports for the next few weeks, so he’ll be stuck finding other stuff to watch… documentaries and true crime will be dominant, it seems!

So yesterday I headed in for the third session of chemo, day 2.  I’ve got a week off before the next one starts up.  I got in and all of my readings were textbook perfect.  I gained a whole pound! That’s the opposite of my lifetime of Weight Watchers and other diet programs, but it was celebrated as much as any loss was back then!  My blood pressure was 114/70 for the first time in months, and everything was great.  I got my first drug (I get 2 different ones) and it was fine.  Then they started the second, and the nurses explained that for the first 2 doses, it’s administered slowly, and from the third onwards is given at normal rate.  I had handled the first 2 easily, but apparently my body couldn’t cope with the normal rate of administration and I had a reaction to it.  I was amazed at how fast the nurses responded and I’m awed at the care they provided.  They explained that this has happened to other people, and there’s a plan for the next time, so we’ll likely proceed with the next round.  The after effect, though, is that when I was released (they kept me for observation for a while, and I asked to be allowed to go home) I got home, crawled into bed and slept for about 8 hours, got up, had something to eat, went back to bed and slept for 12 more hours.  I dragged myself out of bed so I’d be sitting up when the nurse arrived to hook up my hydration.  My sister very kindly had lunch delivered to me so I didn’t have to worry about cooking or even microwaving anything.  Props to the food delivery apps for the “gift a meal” option, so she could arrange this all the way from the Niagara region!  I feel a bit tired still, and will be heading in early, once my IV is empty — it’s still got a couple of hours left.

Online shopping can be really addictive, can’t it?  Search, click, add, ship, wait for package, rinse and repeat.  I found that I can fill a cart with thousands of dollars worth of stuff in a fairly short time!  My tendency, though, is to window shop, where I add a bunch of stuff, leave it there for a few days, then go back and winnow through the items, and do that a few times — and I’ll finally buy about 4 things 😝 So many choices!  The new Chinese apps which have stuff for really low prices, cheap/free shipping but where they take a week or more to arrive are really bad… given a choice between paying $20 for a pair of pants vs, $80 for something similar on a more “conventional” site, the $20 and week’s delay is definitely preferable, right?  I’ve been price comparing across 5 or so apps, and finding things that are substantially similar, and then choosing what most appeals.  I caught sight of myself in profile in the mirror recently and was shocked at my reflection!  But then I’m finding that wearing clothes that actually fit is much nicer than swimming in oversized items.  I’ll get a couple more pieces so I feel more confident — anyone who wants to shop my closet is very welcome to remove a few of the larger items!

I’m going to nibble on my leftover lunch while I wait for my drip to progress.  Jerry is snoring on my feet, and Don is napping, it seems.  Or he might be listening to the TV; I won’t know unless I change the channel and I’m not interested enough in what’s going on to do that!  Instead, I’ll head back to my murder mystery, where I’m very happy that the victim got his comeuppance!  That’s it for tonight, Good night!


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