Leap day

Welcome to leap day, bonus day, leap year day… whatever you want to call it!  There were a few news articles on why we do this — something that I remember being covered years and years ago in primary school, along with the differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendars!  It’s been very cold and windy today, although it’s sunny, and I’m not in any hurry to get dressed to go to my scan tonight (which is why this is so early today).  Jerry has been guarding me all day, either by lying on my lap on his back or on my feet.  He won’t let me out of his sight, and I’m not sure why exactly!  He’s now decided to run around and throw his ball at me, and to bark when I am not fast enough in tossing it back.  Don is still struggling with his pain, and is trying to manage it.  He’s got appointments with doctors (YAY!!!) next week and the following week, so hopefully that will help with some relief.  I need to remember his times, as one of them is a video conference and the other is in person for a few hours.

I’m feeling hungry again, which is surprising since I ordered and ate most of a large shawarma not too long ago… I don’t want to overeat as I don’t want to risk throwing up… my scan is set for tonight, so we’ll leave shortly to head to the hospital.  I’m still waiting for the PSW coordinator to call me back — I don’t have a worker again today, making it 3 days with no support.  I got the contact for the manager and reached out to her, so now I continue to wait… I’ve got appointments for several days in a row next week which doesn’t appeal to me.  

I’m suffering a little jealousy as several of my friends are out of the country soaking up warm weather either in the Caribbean or the Mediterranean and sending me sun-filled photos of beaches, pools and short sleeves.  They’re not due back for a while, and while I’m happy they’re able to travel and do fun things, I’m wishing that I were in the warmth myself!  Fingers crossed that my results are good so I can plan a trip home for some hugs and love… 

I’m going to nibble on piece of my shawarma and trim that hunger.  I’m glad I’m hungry, it just feels weird to be this hungry this quickly.  Jerry is back on my feet, and I have an hour and a bit to get ready for my scan.  Wish me luck, and pray really hard for good results!  Good night!


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