
It was 15C today!  15!!  That’s a record for February in Ottawa, where it’s more usually something in the negative teens or twenties, but it’s been a very mild and today is just an example.  We had a huge thunderstorm this afternoon, which made it very dark around 3:30, and we had a spectacular show of flashes and bangs.  There’s a flash freeze warning for tonight, as the temperature is due to drop to -15; and while I’d normally just roll myself into my blanket tomorrow, I’ve got an appointment… the cold could have held off another day, IMO!  Not sure how, but Jerry broke one of his nails.  We found it on the floor, and I checked him.  He isn’t showing any pain, which is a relief.  I found the toe with the broken nail, and it seems ok.  We’ll keep an eye on him to ensure that he stays fine.  Did I mention that baseball is starting up again?  ðŸ™„  That means that the games are on in the afternoon, followed by other sports later so Don is glued to the various games and their outcomes, and every morning I’m deleting recorded matches that he watched during the night.

I slept like a log last night, although I woke up around 3:30am and didn’t fall back asleep until almost 6.  Then, of course, I had to drag myself out of bed for my nurse so she could change my bandages.  We seem to be short on some supplies, so there’s an order being sent in to refill items.  I was hungry today, and had some mashed potatoes and sausage and the usual Ensure.  I’m a bit annoyed, as I haven’t had a support worker for the last few days.  I know that my regular person is ill (back injury) and off for the week, but I expected replacements… I called and left messages, and I’m waiting to hear back from them.

I’m being nagged to stop doing what I’m doing and pay attention to a dog who is scratching at me, butting my leg and digging my blanket off my toes.  I’ll have to stop here to attend to my responsibilities 😜  Good night!


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