Family Day

It’s a holiday today, and the weather was bitingly cold — I was indoors and couldn’t get warm at all!  I was watching the news where people were out in the cold “taking advantage” of the holiday and the sunshine, even with the chill.  The Canal was open, although they said that conditions were not idea, but it certainly was crowded with families and visitors.  Jerry is curled up in front of the heater, except when he’s jumping into my lap for cuddles — he was nosing my hand onto his tummy, and crawling under my blanket.  Then he was chasing his ball around and looking like a little bunny.  So adorable!  Don is good, except that he’s still in pain, and it’s hard for him to walk easily.  He’s been using the percussion massager to help him feel better, and trying not to use too many pain pills as they have some unpleasant side effects, and dealing with those is often more annoying than the pain in his joints.   I’m thrilled that he finally has an appointment for a respirologist, so that should help with his breathing.  I hope so, anyway.

My nurse was here this morning to set up my IV, and she had to mix a laxative for me as I was having tummy issues. I had gone back to bed as I felt weak, shaky and generally unwell, and that sort of helped — except that the IV tube managed to kink itself and stop the flow!!  It took a few tries to figure out why and fix it so it didn’t keep happening.  Again, the negative thing for today was that I didn’t feel like eating, and again I didn’t.  I really didn’t want anything to eat, and now I’m panicking about my weight on Thursday when I go in for my treatment… let’s hope I can make up for these last 2 days in the next 2!

My little niece asked her mother to call me because she wanted to talk to me to tell me the very important news that she was drinking her juice and painting.  Then she wanted to see my hair… so I had to take off the little cap I wear and show her my head.  She then asked if she could see it next time she came to Ottawa, and I said, of course, or when I come to her house.  She then announced to everyone that Auntie Sonja is coming to see her tomorrow.  So we had to explain that it wouldn’t be that soon, we’d have to wait until the snow melted here (it’s deeper here, and is likely to last longer) and then I would come.  That got taken in, and the announcement was “the day after tomorrow when the snow is gone.”  I had to smile at the innocence and the love.  My nephew came to show me how he’d decorated his shirt, then waved “bye” and ran off!  So I guess that I’m somewhat less important than a collection of sparkly stickers 😆 Very humbling!

OK, I’m off now.  I can’t promise a large meal, but I’ll go make some toast or something and some tea so I put something in my stomach.  I get to sleep in tomorrow for the first time in about 2 1/2 weeks.  Looking forward to that!  Good night!


  1. Praying you both daily comfort and better night sleep amen


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