
My sister has been into my inbox again… I have to share because it’s not fair that I suffer alone with these puns!  It’s yet another mostly sunny day today, although it’s beginning to get chilly as it gets later.  So blankets again!  Jerry was a little hyperactive this afternoon, chasing his toys around and leaping on the furniture and down to the floor like a rubber ball himself.  After he ate, I had to stop him, as I know that he gets worked up and is likely to throw up so no playing after eating!  He’s lying on one of the balls and guarding it with his tiny tail flailing.  Don is counting the days until his sports resume on the weekend.  Our doctor sent in a request for him to get a support worker as I can’t do all the things I was doing, and we spoke with the care coordinator today to get him on the wait list.  Now comes the challenge of making sure that he doesn’t refuse their services!!  

I never fell asleep until about 3am this morning; I had to restart my sleep music — I usually set it for 2 hours, and I had to restart.  Then I woke up at 7:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep.  I did doze off in my chair this afternoon, so I’m hoping that means I’ll have a normal night’s rest tonight.  I had a substitute support worker today who cooked supper.  I ate a decent meal, and I have some left for lunch tomorrow.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that the packaged rice dish tasted not too bad — Don even ate some.  I don’t usually buy them, but there was a sale on and I thought that they might make an easy meal if stretched.  So that was good.

I discovered that I can get delivery from a grocery that I usually like, but the prices have been increased online!  I’m comparing the prices of some standard items, and it’s shocking to me how much the online price varies from the flyer/in store pricing.  I’m now strongly dissuaded from tipping; allegedly the increase is to cover the costs associated with delivery — in addition to the delivery and service fees — so no tips!  Equally allegedly, the delivery fee is “shared” with the driver (I doubt that sincerely) but that just bolsters my resolve.  I’m thinking of trying it out this week, just to see how things go.  

I pulled out a drawer to being sorting out my oversized clothes, then I had a moment of thinking, “what if I regain all that weight? I’ll need to have something to wear!”  I haven’t managed to shake that mindset yet.  Working on it, but it’s harder than I like.  I’ll keep one large dress, and the rest will go into a bag for donations.  That will just require a few cleansing breaths and the fortitude to put one item in the “donate” bag.  I’m going to get my evening meds and dive back into my book.  Good night!


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