
Yes, she did it again… apparently, though, I was told that I blame her even when it’s not, but this is definitely my sister’s handiwork!  I’m not opposed to jokes, and sometimes you gotta suffer with me!  😈  The little dictator is on my feet again — he curls up in the blanket and makes himself very comfortable.  It’s  sports day, people.  There have been no fewer than 7 hockey games and he’s gearing up for an NFL game shortly.  I give thanks that he wasn’t watching all the pre-game hype on the sports channels, so at least I’m spared all the sporty-bro-banter which makes my brain cells feel like they’re being killed off by their stupid commentary.

I slept like a dry, well fed, year old infant last night… that lovely profound sleep where they look so happy and relaxed.  I dragged myself out of bed this morning because of Mass, otherwise I’d probably have slept until noon.  It was my own choice, and I can’t complain (although l’homélie was less than inspiring; it happens to the best of preachers, which this particular priest is not)  My appetite continues well, and I’m debating whether I want to try baking the frozen bread I have or microwaving one of my frozen meals for supper.  My other sister was torturing me with photos of what she cooked for family lunch today, so that doesn’t help at all!  This week promises to be tiring, as I have morning appointments every day.  Tomorrow’s is at 11, which isn’t too bad, except that it’s at the wrong end of the city; Tuesday is early morning, Wednesday is earlier, Thursday is mid-morning, as is Friday.  It’s one of those weeks where I can pretend that I’m back at work and then conclude that it’s really not where I should be at this point of my life!  There will be early nights all week to go with the early mornings, so we shall see how my sleep holds up.

It’s Carnival weekend, and Trinidad will be in full on party mode until midnight Tuesday, before people call in “sick” on Wednesday and head to the beach to recover from being on the streets and let their pickled livers have a break.  It’s not, and never has been, my preferred scene — I hate crowds, and even more, drunken crowds.  I do love the costumes, and the revelry and the atmosphere of love and festivity that pervades.  If I’m there at this time, I tend to get caught up in the music and the bacchanalian atmosphere— it really is special — although I’m not the type to don a costume and dance through the streets.  I’m more likely to go to a fête, or a house lime, and have a fun time.  My elder sister plays every year — it’s a standing joke that Carnival can’t happen without her — as do my closest friends from school, and many others.  I got videos yesterday taken on flights heading into Trinidad from the USA (the national airline, CAL) in which the passengers were playing loud music, singing and dancing in the aisles (as were the flight crew).  Reactions to the videos varied from my “Get me out of this hellscape!” to “Sweetness!  That’s a real homecoming!”  😝  Both sets of reactions cover my feelings towards Carnival.  On the days themselves, I’m filled with the euphoria that fuels my countrymen and I can’t resist the urge to join in dancing and I feel the creative energy flooding my soul… I don’t want it to end.  On the other hand, the noise is all pervasive, and I’d like to avoid the ceaseless pounding that comes from the massive trucks that blare music until Tuesday midnight (starting a few days ago.  It really is loud and ongoing!)  There are those who use these days for religious retreats, which is great for them; those who leave the islands to go elsewhere for a break, and many expats who return home like spawning salmon!  

For all my grousing, though, I’ll spend time over the next 2 days lurking to see the bands, the winners, the shots of the partying.  My very talented goddaughter, who is a makeup artist, sent me a link to her “look book” for the season which is awesome, and I’m thinking that I’d love to have my face done like that even if just for fun.  I wait with bated breath for the post-Carnival photos, so I can see more of her work.  I also browse my friends’ sites for their photos (at least 2 are professional photographers and their work is stunning)  The amusing thing is that while I’d like to be there to soak up the atmosphere, I don’t regret not making the effort, nor do I plan trips around this time.  I used to, but only because my mother’s birthday was February 16 and I’d often arrange to be there to spend it with her.  Since her passing, I don’t make the effort.  I know that I can’t usefully participate at this point; I’d need a wheelchair, just to start, and I’d be exhausted after about an hour of watching, but I’m glad the celebrations go on.  I’ll let you know if I get hit with a wave of homesickness before Wednesday.

I still haven’t decided on what I’ll have for supper yet, but I’ll have to make a choice soon.  Meanwhile, the pre-game ceremonies are beginning, and I’ll be shushed in a moment 😂  The puppy is dozing happily, Don is glued to the TV with the remote clutched tightly in his hand and is ignoring my attempts to (pretend) talk with him.  So I’m off to indulge in my book, and work out supper.  Good night!


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