
The weather changed a few times today.  It started with flurries this morning, then got chilly and miserable, then the sun came out and it was mild, almost warm (sweater weather, really)   I’m glad it cleared up, as I was out, and it was nice to enjoy the sunshine a bit more.  Jerry had a sulking fit because I left him for a while today.  He saw me getting dressed, pawed at his harness to show me that he knew where it was, and then jumped on my lap and tried to keep me from leaving.  When I got back, he immediately plunked himself on my lap and wouldn’t leave me alone.  He’s now on my feet and every twitch I make, he looks up at me with very disapproving little schnoodle eyes.  He’s also eyeing Don with suspicion, and is on high alert for anyone moving out of their chair!  Don is quite happy today after staying up quite late last night to watch his game, which his preferred team won in overtime.  I got a text in the middle of the night to tell me the results 😂 and this morning I was educated on the new OT rules for the game.  He’s got other games this week, so he’s really happy!

I was out today as I had a midmorning doctor’s appointment.  It went well, and we will be proceeding with chemo this week and next, followed by a scan the week after.  Let’s please continue to hope that this works, and the scan shows an improvement!  My friend was the designated driver today (as my appointment was at a different location) and we stopped for brunch after — that’s my plate.  At the end of the meal, there was not much left but some crumbs (and the banana; I really can’t eat bananas here, they taste too chemical for me)  My support worker was here, and she made me dinner, so I don’t have to worry about that tonight.  I don’t know what it is yet, I haven’t looked, but it’s all good.

It’s Carnival Monday in Trinidad, and I took a quick look at one of the livestreams that was broadcast today.  Monday is less ornate and dramatic than Tuesday, but people were still out in droves.  I just switched over to peep, and although it’s dark, revellers are still out dancing, and the costumes are lovely.  This is usually about where I feel bad that I am not hearing the music live, although I still have no urge to don a costume and join a band.  I’ll watch more tomorrow, and wind down with everyone else.  I’ve been receiving messages with the results of the various Sunday (Dimanche Gras) competitions and shots of Saturday’s children’s carnival parade.  The weather is definitely making me miss the tropics, though.  

Now, my dear friends, we have to have a serious chat.  In early July this year I will be marking the 10th anniversary of my big surgery — the one where we removed half of my organs.  This is not the anniversary of my first surgery; that was done in Trinidad, and it was 12 years ago this year.  But it’s the really big operation that scared everyone.  I think that we need to do something special to mark the event.  I’m looking for ideas, please.  Anything.  It’s about 10 days after my birthday, so I will probably delay birthday celebrations to do this (plus Lobsterfest, assuming that it’s on as usual!)  Let me know, please what you think and what suggestions you have.  I will be offering a Mass of thanksgiving (I usually do) in addition to whatever else we dream up.

I’m going to go see what’s been left for my dinner and have something to eat.  I’m starting to feel hungry, so let’s go deal with that!  The little dog has moved to lie on Don, so I can probably sneak into the kitchen and make myself a plate.  I also need to sort out grocery delivery, and hopefully it will go better this time.  Good night!


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