Gong xi fai ca!

Happy Lunar New Year.  Have you eaten yet?  I think that’s a brilliant greeting, don’t you?  Especially when it’s followed by a banquet… Jerry has assumed a sulky guard on the coffee table as I’m not letting him on my lap just now.  He’s trying to both ignore and watch me simultaneously, which I find hilarious.  He’s got his head turned one way, and his eyes are fixed on me sideways, as if I can’t see him.  ðŸ˜†  It’s that time of night when games are on, and I’ve been dismissing repeated reminders on the TV for the start of Don’s game.  It’s his home team, so it’s (of course) being recorded, but it’s also on live and he’s a happy little gnome watching them.  I am now officially a “grass” (or should that be “ice”?) widow until at least Monday morning 😂 

I had trouble falling asleep last night, although at least part of that is due to the fact that we were sitting up, talking until after midnight.  We had started watching a documentary, got caught up in the topic and began a discussion that just went on.  (It was about the many scams that abound, and how some people lose their life savings).  This morning my friend L called to say that she was dropping off a meal for me, which she did in time for lunch.  It was delicious, and there’s a little left over for tomorrow.  Dinner is some of the coconut bread that accompanied the meal with some tea.  I’m delighted to advise that I had a decent serving, and I’m comfortably full.  Thanks L!

Traditionally my friends and I would all have headed in for dim sum today to celebrate the New Year — in fact, my friend and usual co-host texted to say that had she been in Ottawa, we’d have been occupying our usual table (which my other friend refers to as “the wedding party table” as it’s on a small, raised dais under the wall hanging of a dragon and phoenix)  We’ll have to do a celebratory dim sum a little later on.  Today, though, there would be a few extra delicacies to bring in the year, which are not usually available year round.  I’m expecting fireworks later, as I don’t live too far from Chinatown, and the dragon dances would have been underway to celebrate.  I’ve decided to stop saying “for those who celebrate” when I mention a particular festival, as any reason to celebrate is a good one, and just because it’s not your culture is no reason to ignore an event.  Go learn about it, try some new food (another good reason to join in!) perhaps learn a new dance and a greeting.  Just take in all the good things there are and be happy that there’s a reason to enjoy life a little more!

I’m in danger of losing my iPad to a bossy tiny dictator who thinks that my lap should be free for him to chew his toy.  His nose is trying to push it off, and one paw is patting my leg.  He may relocate to Don, as he likes to block the TV when sports are on.  Before I lose it, so off I go!  Good night!


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