Day out

My dessert from lunch today… if I say it was yummy, it’s an understatement!  It was 8C today, and beautifully sunny when we left the house, but overcast and damp this afternoon.  The patio door is actually open right now — in early February!  Jerry is trying to mooch my supper and pretending to be deaf when I tell him “No.”  I’m starting to think he thinks his name is “No, Jerry, don’t do that” when it’s not “Momma’s good boy” 😆 Don has now managed to watch several series of shows, evaluated a couple of new ones and has watched every true crime documentary available.  This weekend he’ll be happily back with his sports, although one ends on Sunday, and he’ll have to wait for spring training for baseball to start… 🙄

I had a fairly decent sleep last night, although as usual I was ready to sleep when it was time to wake up!  My sister-friend came and “kidnapped” me today, and we headed out for lunch at a little café that we both like — funny enough, when we discussed it yesterday we’d both had the same idea of where to go!  We shared 2 sandwiches (lovely, freshly prepared, very tasty) and dessert.  This is where I’m a bit sorry that my appetite is not as robust as I’d like — I would have liked to have eaten a second pastry!  Both my friend and I had skipped breakfast in anticipation of lunch, which in retrospect was a bad idea, as I had low energy.  She’s heading off on a trip for a month, so we’ll reconnect when she returns.  

It’s that time of year when taxes loom on the horizon… I hate having to pay extra at the end of the year, as I think that there’s more than enough pulled from my pension.  It’s getting easier to do taxes, as the forms are uploaded to the CRA website and all  I need to do is download them into the software which then calculates the totals.  I’d think that if we’re at this stage, we really should go one extra step and just notify taxpayers that they are all caught up — I mean, they know how much I earn, how much I put aside for retirement (the banks submit that paperwork also), what I donate to various charities (also submitted electronically by the charities) and all of my deductions.  It would save me time and money (every year the tax software has to be paid for), plus it would reduce the overall workload.  The argument that this would be too intrusive doesn’t make sense as all the data is already in the CRA’s database.  I wonder if part of the reason it’s done this way is to increase employment numbers to answer questions and staff their call centre?  My economist friends can jump in to explain why the tax system is so convoluted when it could just be a straight percentage for everyone regardless of income.

OK, the dog is demanding attention for his toy (and trying to get my leftovers — mostly bone, so no)  I’ve also got to take my meds, so I’ll leave you for now.  Good night.


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