
Today was one that started out chilly, warmed up and then cooled off again.  It’s blanket and hot cocoa weather tonight, and I’m wrapped in a light blanket and wearing a cap because my head feels cold!  Jerry spent every possible second on my lap today, after he slept pressed against my back under the blanket last night.  He stretched himself out on my lap and took up all the space in the chair; he really made himself comfortable!  Don slept a bit better last night, so he’s more alert today, which is good.  He was also up fairly late watching sports and I don’t know who won in any of the games (not really interested, myself) and then he took in a marathon of 48 hours before falling fast asleep and snoring loudly… it was funny watching Jerry watching Don snore.  He was sniffing at him and poking him! 😅

I don’t know why, but today I just don’t feel like eating anything.  I have stuff prepared, and my worker today made some extra food, but I took a mouthful of salad, and I decided that I didn’t want to eat.  I’ve had some grapes and a cookie and stared at the food in the fridge and just shut the door.  I didn’t even want an Ensure… No frighten; I’ll eat something soon.  Since I didn’t eat, I also feel sluggish, which is unsurprising.  I’ll work out something so I don’t have a low sugar episode, or wake up feeling hungry, or can’t fall asleep because I’m hungry…. Don and I had a video call with the GP today, and are scheduled for vaccine boosters next week.  The doctor is moving his office about an hour away, but we’ll go with him rather than trying to find a replacement… the situation for family doctors continues to worsen rather than improve here.  I’ll save my fire and brimstone commentary on this for another day when I have more energy.  I also had a video conference related to the application process and another one where they were looking for patient partners to join in some research projects.  And all the calls were overlapping!  Oh well… I’ll find out how things go afterwards.

My elder niece is finishing her first year exams this month.  Hard to grasp that she’s done her first year at university already!  Eheu fugaces labuntur anni… or, in another way, “the days are long, the years are short”. Children really are the markers of time passing, because in my mind I’m still somewhere in my 20s with infinity stretching ahead of me, as opposed to having passed my half century a while ago.  Looking at, and talking with, my nieces, nephews and godchildren reminds me that time has gone by.  I mean, they’re older than I am!  How these tiny people are suddenly in their 30s (my godchildren) or past their mid-20s, or — in the case of my elder niece — done their first year of university is flabbergasting!  I understand my mother’s comment that she doesn’t know how she could have children that grew older than she did… I confess, though, that I am very pleased that my youth was in the “dark ages” and not captured on social media!  The photos that I have from that period are all the more valuable for that reason.  My sister reminded me of the photo I have with Boy George back when I was a teenager… and laughed while telling my niece how I had liked him back then.  I don’t recognize my niece’s pop idols, but then if she’s happy, I’m happy.

I think I’m going to try making a shake/smoothie/high calorie drink… the challenge (minor, in the grand scheme of things) is deciding what it’s going to be.  My friend suggested making a hot drink out of Ensure, so maybe I’ll try that and report back.  Good night!


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