Chemo 2-4

Here we are last night, heading out to a very fun dinner with my friend from Vancouver and my best friend here.  I thought it would be nicer than a photo of me hooked up to chemo drugs!  Jerry is a happy puppy as it’s sunny and warm and he got to run around in a new area today as they waited for me to finish treatment.  Don is fairly active (for him) and is moving relatively easily.  He was up pretty late last night and early today to catch up on assorted games, and I got a long discourse on the women’s playoff games… they’re both curled up right now watching TV.

I had a dreadful night last night — there’s no other word for it.  My tummy was very unhappy ☹️ and I was up every 90 minutes.  I was exhausted and dragging by the time we had to leave for chemotherapy… I dozed off in the waiting room and had to be woken up to go to the pod!  But after treatment I felt a lot more alert and less dragging, so that’s all to the good.  Plus I’ve gained weight!  A whole pound!  It’s so odd to be celebrating weight gain… but I’ll take it.  My oncologist joked that I’ve lost about a pound of hemoglobin, so I probably actually gained 2… my hemoglobin reading took a nosedive this time, so I’m scheduled for a blood transfusion on Saturday afternoon.  That’s probably why I felt so off for a few days this week, with no energy and trouble breathing.  My next scan is in a week, so let’s pray hard that the results are good.

So obviously my sister is here this week.  She’s attending a work conference so I’ve seen less of her than the last time, but we’ve managed to connect anyway.  Because of work, she’s been out with her colleagues to dinner for 2 nights, and they’re enjoying Ottawa a bit.  Last night, with my friends, we drove around to show off the Tulip Festival and the Canal, after my sister was joking that there weren’t any tulips worth mentioning.  My other friend was commenting how so much has changed in the last few years, since the last time she was here was before the pandemic; now there are more high rise condos springing up and other such developments.

My little niece, when we spoke last night, reminded me that she was waiting for her jewelry box!  “Did you make it or buy it?  I’m waiting for it”  I had picked up something last week for her at the dollar store, and handed it to my sister to take home… I won’t be allowed to forget that!  😆 My nephew said, “thank you for my new car”  (remember she’d said that he didn’t need anything?  Well, he disagreed and was looking for a new car)  We all had a good laugh at that, and a new truck has been sent for him.  (Thanks P!)

Chemo is exhausting, and when added to a nuit blanche it meant that I got home from the hospital and just conked out.  My sister is out with her colleagues tonight, so we’ll meet up tomorrow before her flight home, and I’m going to head in for (hopefully) an early and restful night.  Good night!


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