May weekend

It’s another fairly cool, cloudy day today, but I’m adjusting to the growing length of the day — it’s still light at almost 8pm, which is both wonderful and disconcerting!  Jerry is in full on cuddle mode, and was sprawled all over me for a couple of hours today, even ignoring Don to settle on my lap.  Silly puppy!  Don is snoring on the sofa at the moment, although he claims to be paying attention to the TV.  He’s got a very important game on tomorrow, so he’s planning to watch it live, not just record it.

My sleep was back to mildly interrupted last night, where I woke up and took over an hour to fall back asleep.  It’s a bit strange, as I’m not in any pain, nor am I having my mind running over anything, so the usual reasons don’t seem to apply.  We’ll get it sorted out, worry not, and then I’ll share “secrets to sleeping all night” as an ebook 😆. My appetite is OK today; I had 2 decent meals today, and will have something lighter for supper.  I consider it a good sign that I’m planning meals and considering what to cook, as it gives me inspiration and I get a little excited.  I had to remind myself not to grocery shop — even making an online order!! — when hungry as my cart had a number of things in it that don’t fall in the food guidelines for neither my younger self nor my current requirements!  I didn’t complete the order, I just put stuff in the cart and left it to do something else.  I’ll review and order another time.  

I am a book dragon.  I happily horde books and guard them closely, like dragons are reputed to protect treasure.  Books are, and always have been, an escape for me where I go when the world becomes too much.  Sometimes reality is too real, you know?  So I open a book (or turn on my Books app — one of about 4 that I have for different reasons) and step out of reality into another world, where for a while the protagonist (or another character) is the focus and I just observe what’s happening.  A psychologist had once told me that I was an introverted personality who had adopted extroverted behaviours and went on to say that it was obvious that I was not a natural extrovert, despite my social tendencies.  If that means that I like books and am happy to lose myself in them, then I agree.  I have always liked libraries because there were so many books there and I could borrow and read as many as I liked as often as I wanted, and then I’d buy ones that I particularly loved.  My neighbourhood library has a great selection of electronic resources including books, magazines, videos and various other materials, which I’ve been happily using for years, even more since I can’t easily manage to walk there and spend a few hours browsing as I used to do.  One of my weekend activities was to meet some friends who (at the time) had young children, and we’d go for breakfast then spend some time in the library in the children’s section (and the mom and I would take turns to browse other sections while the other stayed with the kids). I was reminded of this when I spoke with my therapist today and somehow the conversation turned to books and we had a discussion about Beatrix Potter and her lovely animal stories.  I’d gifted my elder niece a book of Beatrix Potter, but I’m not sure that she loves it as much as I do… I’m also happy to have given the little people some books as they are eager little readers.  I think I’m a decent role model if I can encourage a love of books in the people around me…

Dinner tonight is light; I’m actually just having an Ensure because I feel rather full.  I’m half craving a cake but I’m a bit lazy to make one.  I’ll see if I can boost my energy enough to do one tomorrow… or maybe some muffins or something.  Maybe I can talk my support worker into helping me bake this weekend?  Good night!


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