More May

What a gorgeous, warm, spring day!  It’s a sunny, breezy day, with blue skies and tiny puffy white clouds.  A definite change from yesterday with the rains and the clouds and the chills!  Just lovely!  Jerry was sniffing the air like he was smelling something delicious, and his little nose was against the window (I have to keep it mostly closed, as I’m terrified that he might get excited and jump out the window and down 20 stories)  Even Don is perkier — in spring, a man’s fancy… and all that!  He and Jerry are both curled up on the sofa watching TV and looking so content that it’s cute.

I slept pretty well, given that Jerry seemed to want to hide under me for most of the night!  He made himself comfortable while I turned into a pretzel.  I did sleep — daddy used to say that if someone managed to fall asleep it didn’t matter how uncomfortable they looked, they’d only sleep if they were fine in the position — and only regretted it when I got up and found that my legs cramped from the way I had been lying!  It took a couple of minutes of hobbling around before my legs worked again, but when I sat down, there was suddenly a dog on my lap rearranging my thighs.  I had a good breakfast — the last of the bake and buljohl from Lar — and a filling lunch — a chicken “shepherd’s” pie from my sister — and my support worker made a pasta salad for dinner.  I’m craving some cake at the moment, but there’s none.  I’ll have to correct that soon!

There’s one downside to warmer weather, and that’s the dreadful way that people dress for the office!!  I am beginning to have longings for the old days of strict dress codes, because the freestyle approach leaves a LOT to be desired!!  Are parents not teaching their children how to clothe themselves and the different ways to dress in varied environments?  Just because the temperature is trending above 20C is no reason to subject the public to bare bellies, dirty feet, or the items from the back of your closet that are stained, stretched and as crumpled as a relief map of the Rockies!  I know that makes me a curmudgeon, but I’m not apologizing for that.  I strongly urge these people to make use of a mirror before leaving the house, and to have a few trusted friends to remind them to look presentable!

It’s my older sister’s birthday today, and she texted to say that she’s enjoying an escape to the beach… I’m envious, really, and now have to plan something to even the scales 😜  I’m working diligently to regain enough strength to be able to travel a bit, so I can park myself on a beach and be pampered for a few days!  Even after a quarter century in Canada (geez, that sounds like such a long time!!) the water outdoors is still far too cold for my comfort.  I’m acclimated to warmer water nearer the Equator, not this far North!  Don’t feel sorry for me; I’m just whining a bit… I’ll work out ways to enjoy myself that don’t result in 3 days in bed!

It’s time for dinner, so I’m off to get some of the pasta salad and then I’ll work on my grocery order, which I have to send to my friend tomorrow when he goes shopping.  I’ve been told that I somehow send him to find some very obscure items, that even the staff can’t find, so I’m trying to stick to more common things!  Wish me luck!  Good night.


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