Begin the griping about the humidity… It’s not very hot yet, but with a humidity level of 100% it is brutal. It’s the kind of weather where you’re sweating just standing still outdoors. My new location is about 30cm from the flow of air from a fan or an AC! Any exertion, no matter how minor, has me struggling to take a deep breath. Me no like. Jerry is a tiny heat generator who has far too much energy for this kind of humidity. He leaps on my lap at every chance and just radiates like a tiny furnace. He jumps, runs, barks and plays with a lot of enthusiasm. Don finds it hard to breathe also, but has been less vocal about it than I am… I just grouse that this is interfering with my plans and he simply shrugs and finds something to keep himself amused.
Happy to report a good night’s sleep, slowly returning appetite and no tummy issues. I tried some Thai food with a mild spice level — this being unable to eat peppers is cultural abuse!! — and so far so good. I plan to gradually increase the spice level and reintroduce curry because I’m suffering from a lack of spice. It’s unacceptable.
I have a minor gripe, which is an offshoot of the pain that poor grammar causes. The word “anniversary” relates to something that happens every year (or annually) so saying things as stupid as “our six-month anniversary” is just meaningless, nonsensical and boneheaded. Also, anyone older than about 5 is aware of ordinal numbers so they know the meaning and use of terms like “first,” “second,” “third,” etc. So therefore you say things like “second anniversary” to mean 2 years. And not “2-year-anniversary” which is really lazy. News readers/reporters should know and use these things, and not opt for lazy language.
Auntie may or may not be proud of her elder niece, whose first year results are for an A- average (I have no idea what the GPA is, or means, so don’t ask any silly questions; and I’m not interested in knowing either, so spare me the explanations 😁) and who got the highest mark in Geography for her year. Search is now underway for an appropriate celebratory gift that demonstrates pride in achievement without setting precedent for increasing gifts over time, or at graduation I might find myself in a problem! My younger niece is approaching the end of her first year in a “big” school, and my nephew will be moving to join his sister in September. 🎼🎶 I don’t remember growing older… when did they? … swiftly fly the days 🎵
I’m going to go find something for supper; my friend pointed out that frozen fruit serves multiple purposes — it can cool a drink, add flavour and provide a snack all at the same time! I’m wondering if adding frozen berries to wine would be an acceptable sangria substitute? Nobody ask my doctors, please, just in case they feel the need to say “no” or something silly like that! Good night!
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