
It’s been cloudy and muggy all day today, and about an hour ago there was a flash of lightning and a deep growl, followed by a huge downpour.  The humidity level dropped significantly, and I am able to take a couple of deep breaths!  So relieving! It’s still raining now, and the breeze is wonderfully comfortable.  I’m so relieved by this.  Jerry is getting into mischief and trying to steal a piece of my donut and scone!  He doesn’t approve of this concept of “not safe for his tiny tummy” — in his view, if he can’t eat it, then I shouldn’t either.  Don was up again late last night with the hockey games and baseball games — there were about 4 new recordings this morning of assorted matches — and he’s got some true crime documentaries to watch, so he’s definitely happy with his selection of entertainment for the moment.

I slept quite well last night; I’ll confess that I’ve downloaded a new game which is becoming quite addictive so I had to set time limits on myself, or I’d be up playing at all hours.  It’s a “hidden object” game, where you try to find 175 items in each scenario, and the objects and scenes change from one level to another.  Some are timed, which is even more challenging, and one night when I was having trouble falling asleep I was playing it well past midnight!  I didn’t report that night’s sleep, as it would have been my fault for any issues, but since then I have the iPad turn the game off at a set time, whether or not I’m done with a level.  It’s made it easier for me to get back to darkness, and therefore to sleep.  My appetite seems to be creeping back; I’m not celebrating quite yet, but it’s good to feel hungry again.  Thanks to my visiting friend, I’ve still got a few treats tucked into the fridge, so they perk up my calories!  Today’s delivery included spring rolls and baklava, so definitely international variety!

I was looking at a number of interesting sites and it occurred to me that there are so many things that we take for granted until they’re no longer available.  Like going for long walks, climbing hills and stairs, and so on.  It’s harder for me now to enjoy those activities, although I used to do them without a second thought.  Taking a train, for instance, I’d happily walk the length of the station, wander off to the food court for a snack, then walk back to wait at the gate.  Same at the airport, just dragging my bag behind me and walking around.  In any new city — or even in a familiar one — I’d happily walk several blocks rather than take the tube.  These days, getting a direction that the station is a 3-minute walk from my destination is the same as being told that I have to walk a marathon.  I feel frustrated by that, although I do my best to accomplish what I need to do.  Like last Saturday, when I went in for my transfusion; we left home in what we thought was good time, but then there was unexpected heavy traffic so we pulled up to the main entrance about 2 minutes before my appointment.   I didn’t have time to wait for a porter, so I tried walking to the location, which meant that I severely out of breath and couldn’t even give my name.  It’s really not that far, but it was a struggle for me.  I’d like to get back my energy, just to be able to go for short walks again without feeling like I’ve been in an Iron Man contest!

I’ve been asked to consider becoming a patient partner for a new research project.  It requires, apparently, a meeting every quarter for a few hours, some of which are in person and others are virtual.  I haven’t decided yet, but it’s interesting.  I’ll keep you updated as it develops.

I’m off to finish my donut and then take my meds.  Bed is likely to be early tonight, as I’m beginning to drag a little; as my sister-friend says, “my curtain is falling.”  Good night!


  1. Blessings flow ...he is do cute that face


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