Victoria Day
A PSA from Jerry today… I’m sorry to report that it’s very accurate! He can be very defiant when he chooses, usually when he’s intent on doing something that requires more energy than I have so spare. He’s currently trying to mooch off Don, and is scratching at him to get shares of what he’s eating. Don spent most of the day watching baseball, and he seems to be fine with whatever the team is doing. Baseball, to me, is less entertaining than watching paint dry, but that’s just my bias…
It’s been very humid today; the humidity was above 70% and I feel like I’m wrapped in a blanket and trying to breathe through it. I’ve been hugging the fan all day, and quietly dreading the summer, when the humidity values can make it feel like it’s in the 40sC. It’s hard to breathe easily, which has several knock-on effects that are no bueno. My visiting friend dropped off some cheese scones today, and has been doing her best to spark my appetite, which I freely admit is great. I had half of one of the donuts last night; it’s a great moist donut, with a good flavour, so I definitely understand why it’s so popular! I also got a Japanese cheesecake, which is very different, very fluffy and (in this case) a lovely berry flavour. Yum! 😋 I’m working on getting through as many treats as I can while they’re fresh.
I cannot overemphasize the benefits of building relationships with the people who work at your favourite places, whether it’s retail, food, medical supplies or whatever. My pharmacy team has been super good at ensuring that my meds are delivered quickly — to the extent that the new delivery guy (who just started a couple weeks ago) knows me by sight now. There’s a small restaurant nearby that doesn’t even ask my order any more, they just begin making it when I call, and send it over. (I may be in a rut!) while another place, which moved during the pandemic that will deliver to me, although they don’t offer delivery services. I feel spoiled and special by these lovely people, who make my life easier.
I have to say how much I love my eReader app. I’ve got several thousand books stored on my iPad, and that fits in my purse. I remember when travel meant having to select a couple of books — nothing too big — to put into my bag so I’d have material on a flight or long trip. I still prefer the physical page-turning experience, but it’s so convenient and great to be able to switch books multiple times, although the experience of finding a good read in the little libraries of a hotel has mostly gone… there used to be a little corner where there’d be a selection of books left behind by previous patrons that were available to borrow or exchange. Even my building’s laundry room had one, but with the new management company it’s being discouraged (I can’t complain too loudly; the selection was not at all to my taste) I do like being able to browse second hand bookstores and assorted “friends of the library” sales which sometimes have gems hidden among the dross.
I ate one of my scones — delicious and fresh — and I’m trying to wait a bit to add some dessert (I’m feeling a little full) Meanwhile, I’m going to hug the fan a bit more, and get some air! Good night!
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