
🎼🎶 It’s May, it’s May, the lusty month of May 🎵. Every year I sing that song from the movie Camelot because I absolutely love it!  Just seems to set the tone for happiness.  Jerry is busy being spoilt by Don, and is contentedly being petted and having his tummy rubbed.  Don keeps whispering to him to come over to me, but so far Jerry is not inclined to move… Don’s been up late the last few nights to watch the late games and at the moment I’m just relieved that he watches the recordings so I can look at other things instead of sports!

Again I had problems sleeping last night; I was awake until about 5am.  I wasn’t restless or anything, just not sleeping.  That’s 2 nights in a row, but this afternoon I fell asleep on myself for an hour, so hopefully that will break the curse?  I had a consultation with a dietitian who specializes in cancer patients, and she had several suggestions that were not smoothies!  She said that based on my current intake, I need to effectively double my protein consumption and recommended that I drink 2 Ensure Plus daily, regardless of whether or not I think I’m eating.  The last 2 nights of having meals with my sister were awesome and I know I ate a little more than usual but apparently that’s closer to the levels I should be consuming.  Today I felt so full that I didn’t really want to eat much, but I was also tired enough that food was unappealing.  If that’s the after effects of karadjordjeva Å¡nicla, then I’m happy to deal with them!  

My sister returned home today, after stopping over for lunch.  We had arepas and a short chat; my cousin commented that having my sister here was excellent medicine for me, and I have to agree.  Seeing her and spending time together is a definite boost to my spirits.  Added to that was the time spent with my closest friends at dinner, which just made life even more worth living.  I’m looking forward to being able to catch up with some other friends now that the weather is warming up.  It’s surprising and sad that time seems to slip past so quickly and suddenly it’s a year since I encountered some of them.  I hope that this summer we do better at catching up and keeping in touch, especially as every year we’re that much older and there’s just that much more to do.

I’m going to get supper sorted out; my nap has made me feel a lot better, and I’ll probably head in early in hopes of getting a decent sleep, but meanwhile I need to eat.  I’ve been advised to have a meal, followed in a couple of hours by an Ensure… I don’t know how that will go.  We’ll just have to see, right?  Good night!


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