
A gift from my visiting friend… some beautiful, ripe strawberries!  Just ate them with no adornments, and could easily eat loads more.  So yum!  It’s a lovely day, sunny with just a hint of clouds and warm and not too humid.  Jerry is in a playful mood, which is exhausting for me today.  He’s been throwing his ball at me and happily play growling for it to be tossed back when he’s not pulling on my hem for more attention!  Don was sleeping quite a bit today; he pushed through a lot yesterday, with 2 runs to take me to the hospital plus time in the dog park, so I’m not too surprised that he’s wiped; and add that the games are still on, so you know what that means!  

I’m still feeling a little tired today, and my appetite is playing hide and seek with me.  My friend who’s visiting has been wonderful, dropping off various treats for me to try to tempt my appetite, and I feel dreadful that I’m not able to spend more time with her — we hadn’t seen each other for over 4 years, after being neighbours for a long time, and I’d love to have more relaxed time together, but the humidity is starting to affect my breathing (I feel like I’m trying to suck air through a pillow) and my tiredness is draining.  I know that I’ll improve soon, it’s just very unfortunate timing!  I did eat something finally today, and have a selection of desserts (thanks, L!) that I’ll have to eat while they’re reasonably fresh… such a challenge 🥹😁  Don may or may not get to share, we’ll have to see.

I’m getting old and crotchety I’m afraid… watching “news” networks that just feature a number of talking heads exchanging suppositions as opposed to actually covering news makes me irritated.  Then there are all sorts of people who push viewpoints which are now generally recognized as being outdated, and then they’re “surprised” to get a backlash.  I was beyond heartbroken to read this week of the death of a 5-year old child from measles.  The last death from measles was before 1989, so 35 years ago!  This child was unvaccinated, and my reaction was that the parents should be charged with child neglect and abuse for not taking the basic steps to protect their infant.  There’s no information that the child was unable to be vaccinated, just pro-plague parents who chose to believe bad science and viral videos over science and medicine.  You all know my views on “alternative” medicine, and it’s taking a lot of persuasion from my medical team to try certain types of supportive help.  But people continue to insist on pushing their unsolicited advice— like the support worker who met me for the first time and said that I should not eat red meat to cure my cancer.  I pointed out that red meat hasn’t been part of my diet since before her mother was born (she happened to mention something that made it clear that I’m easily 10 years older than her mother), and she said that perhaps I should try drinking more water.  I’ve notified the agency to not send her back… 

You know, I’m just going to enjoy my treats and snarl at people who annoy me with their nonsense.  That may get me labelled as difficult, but at least I won’t have to hear about the miraculous healing powers of kale (that’s food for my food, not for me!)  Expect a report on Uncle Tetsu cheesecake and some awesome donuts later.  Good night!


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