ad multos annos


Today is the 30th birthday of my eldest godson. I'm in shock that he's grown up so completely! I seems not that long ago he was a tiny boy asking loads of questions about everything! I'm honoured, as I've said before, by them. It's so amazing to me that they make time for me, and they are always willing to spend time with me. It's not surprising that many of my fondest memories are of when they were young. His willingness to open up to me has always inspired me. I had to laugh a bit when I think back over the years. As he's grown up, he has, of course, become less inclined to share all of the details of his daily life, but I'm still (mostly) informed of developments as they happen. oh, how I miss them! I'd like it if we were in the same country, but video calls help a lot. ..

I've been thinking about them today. Normally, I'd be in Trinidad now, slowly thawing out from winter. It's my third year now, that I haven't been home because of Covid. It feels like I won't be able to travel again. I will, I know, but I also know that my ability to do things will take some adjusting. Partly age, partly changes and partly disease-but what I can do has some new restrictions. I'm not (yet) feeling sorry for myself, I'm just adjusting my thinking. For example, things like walking The Great Wall is not practical. Nor is planning a bike tour of Europe.. As for hiking in Trinidad... that's out of the question. Frustrating.

Anyway, I will focus on wishing Garyk a wonderful birthday. I hope that he is fully spoiled, and that he has a lovely time. Even though I can't be there, I'm celebrating this milestone with you, and sending you many hugs! . I wish you the best of all things, # 1 son. You remain a joy and a delight and a source of happiness for me. As you know, I love you completely, and I think that you're wonderful. Xoxo


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