in illo tempore


Happy dance! Don got his Covid booster today. He's had no reaction to it, which is good, and we're happy that he's fully vaccinated. Jerry was annoyed, as he was left at home for the 40 minutes that it took for us to go to the pharmacy and get Don vaccinated. He complained about being left, and even more when we got home. We have now been forgiven, and he's exchanging laps every few minutes. My pain is somewhat better, in that I'm not in agony, but there are some movements that I can't make as there are shooting pains along my arms. My appetite continues to be erratic, but I can taste and smell my food! I just have no real urge to eat.

I was surprised today. There was a news item looking back at "The Big Ice Storm" of 1998. It's still fresh in the memory of people who had experienced it because of the damage it left behind. Some families lost power for weeks in the middle of winter. The reporter made a comment about, "the 24th anniversary of the ice storm," and I was shocked. I arrived in Canada the following year in the middle of another winter storm (referred to as "the year Toronto called out the army for a few on of snow.") My shock was realizing that I've been in Canada for 23 years this week! I'd just told someone that I've been here for 21 years. Clearly I'm taking advantage of 2 free years due to the plague. It's a bit of a surprise that so much time has passed.

I'm really finding that time is passing quickly. My days-which are not anywhere near as busy as I'd like-seem too short. It seems that the time between events-like taking my medications-goes by swiftly. For instance, I have one drug that is administered by a skin patch that's changed every 3 days. it seems that no sooner do I put it on than it's time for a new one! My routine, sadly, seems to revolve around nurses, doctors appointments, taking pills and trying to eat (mostly successfully.) I think I'd like more variety in my day, without pain!

Something for me to work on. I'll soon have enough to keep me occupied! (Plus, of course, my daily writing) I'll find enough to keep the darkness further away. The main thing is to keep myself sufficiently positive that life is enjoyable and I'm not a burden to others. That's all for now... Good night!


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