Laus Deo

I had several broken nights since my return from Toronto. I couldn't fall asleep, and when  I did, I couldn't stay asleep. So I went through the days in a daze, and I'd fall asleep in my chair..- The night before last I was so tired, I tried to sleep and nothing; last night I feel asleep early in my chair, then when I woke up I went to bed. I took the maximum dose of my sleep meds last night, and it seemed to help. Plus my sister provided a recording of my nephew's 2am "concert" as she said I clearly missed being awoken by a restless infant! Anyway, it should be better and I'll settle-down soon. Don complained that he was up most of the night, but in all fairness, he was napping during the afternoon, so he was catching up. And Jerry... is tiny, bossy and adorable.

That tiredness is what interfered with my posting, but I'm otherwise ok.

Yesterday morning, though, my day got a shock. I got a call from the agency to tell me that "someone who was in your home providing you with a service has tested positive for Covid." Don and I had a momentary panic- and both suddenly thought that we had sore throats (which miraculously cleared up within seconds!) She went on to explain that I'd need to isolate at home for 10 days and I'd only need to test if, after 5 days, I had symptoms. We all agree that the risk of transmission is low since he was in full PPE (mask, gloves, face shield) and sanitized before checking my blood pressure. Public health sent over a box of PPE for us today, so it's there for my next nurse's visit tomorrow. (Different one!)

C. S. Lewis is one of my favourite authors, and possibly my preferred Christian writer. Like many others, I was introduced to him through the Narnia series, but then I went on to several of his Christian apologetics and I've reread them all several times. Some I like more than others, obviously, but in general, his approach to religious belief is in line with my own. I think in part because he had spent many years as a committed agnostic and returned to Christianity after that. I was never agnostic myself, but I did have a long period of being out of sorts with versions of Catholicism before I found my niche under the guidance of Fr. Donovan. Anyway, I saw a quote from Lewis today that made me think deeply- 

"When we Christians behave badly, or fail to behave well, we are making Christianity unbelievable to the outside world."

Isn't that a wonderful and true sentiment? It's a reminder that our actions have an impact on others. There are, sadly, far too many who profess to be Christian although they certainly do not act like they have even heard of Christ, let alone being aware of his teachings. It breaks my heart when I see the hatred that's spewed by "Christians" or when God is used as a crutch and a weapon. Could we, do you think, speak, act and love like we're supposed to? I can't reconcile the behaviours that I see with the teachings I read, but I hope that there will be enough of those who quietly live out the teachings to help things improve.  I’m fortunate enough to be surrounded by kind, loving people who exemplify Christian behaviour even though they may profess different religious beliefs (or none at all) so it’s easier for me to understand what is expected  I think that it’s our obligation, regardless of religious beliefs, to be kind and loving to others and to show the best of humanity at all times  Maybe we can start a movement of kindness and compassion everywhere… what do you think?  How about we try that for our 2022 goal?


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