natura non contristatur

 What an unusual day... I fell asleep in my chair for over an hour. Add in that my back is stabbing me, and it's draining my energy. I'm hopeful that I'd be able to rest freely. The pain in my back is severe, and I'm trying to find relief. Jerry is napping now-he had been carrying his dinner bowl in his mouth to advise that he was an abused, ignored dog who was forced to consume dog food! It's a tragedy of major proportions 😂 . After carrying it for a while, he dropped it and then curled in a ball and fell asleep. Don had a busy morning. doing some chores and is now having a relaxing time half-watching hockey. Everyone is resting up.

My niece and I are having discussions on university choices. She's not clear on what she'd like to do, so we're starting with the "I definitely do NOT want to do..." lists. Some options were direct and easy, while others are, "I don't know what that means. "which is fair. We'll go through several options and then will circle back later. I'm reminded of when I was her age and my only idea was that I wanted to be a doctor, which changed when I spent some time with my family doctor on a day when he was treating someone with leg ulcers. That removed that career from consideration very quickly! I then opted for chemist-which lasted until I got to university and started computer science. I did work in labs during vacations, and I enjoyed it, but computing was a growing field that paid better. Anyway, my niece isn't drawn strongly to a particular field yet, and we have time, so we'll keep working on it.

I'm adjusting slowly to the fact that my niece is now a lovely young woman of 17, who is almost ready to strike off on her own, My other godchildren- who are all older-are in their mid-to late-20's and early 30's. A large part of me asks-as parents have through the centuries-" Where is the little girl I carried, where is the little boy at play? I don't remember growing older; when did they?” Sigh. It's not easy to let them go, but they do need to go out into the world and learn their capabilities..Meanwhile, I'll do my best to help them and I'll be here, ready to support, encourage and love them. Tonight, though, I need some positive energy to cope with the dregs of my depression, so I'll find that in hugs from my boys. Good night!


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