hora somni


I had another broken night last night, so I was sleepy during the day today. In fact, I dozed off in my chair and was sawing logs this afternoon. The pain was a little easier, until I bent down to pick up something. I'm starting to believe that anything that falls on the ground will just stay there! I mean, the sharp stabbing pain when I bend down is bad enough, but then add the waves of nausea from bending... Really, I think that if it falls, it stays there!  Unless I can persuade Jerry to get whatever it is for me-but he'll play with it and probably take it into bed with him! Don had a restful day too; he also had a broken night but he caught up during the day. The snow is still piled up on my balcony-and on the street - and is likely to be a mess. We went above freezing today, so a bit of melting happened, but it's going down near -20C tonight, so... Messy!

My friend dropped by yesterday and left me a care package with some delicious items in it. I ate some of the cabbage rolls and cookies, and fully enjoyed it. That was excellent. Many thanks for that! I am fighting to stay awake so I'll stop here and head off and sleep. Good night!


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