in nocte consilium


Happy New Year! The first day of a brand new year, with 365 possibilities for new, wonderful and exciting things. The year ahead beckons with a tantalizing set of prospects winking into the mists of the future. So exciting!  What lies before us in 2022? There are some things that I'm sure we all are thinking-like an end to the plague, or the ability to resume gathering. I'd love that; to meet up with my friends and family and celebrate many of the events that have been on hold for the last 2 years. Somewhat selfishly, I'd like to throw the retirement party that I had to postpone and really relish being retired. (I don't need a reason for a party, I just want an excuse to celebrate, noisily, some accomplishments!)

I hope that this year will give me a break from cancer treatment. I'm sick of being sick, and it would be marvellous to not need chemo or radiation! It's not the most realistic hope, but what good is it to only hope for realistic goals? While I'm on the topic, I'd like to win a big lottery jackpot, which I'd use- partly-to get my friends together for a fun-filled long weekend. (I have other plans for the rest.) It would be fabulous if I could reduce the number of meds that I'm taking. That's possibly realistic, as several of them are "take when needed" and I would be happy to reduce the need. I'm dreaming, which I think is good. And, also in the fantasy column, I'd love it if all of my bills were paid for a whole year. Just imagine-no mortgage, or utility bills, or taxes, etc, for a full year! Then the money that I would have paid gets doubled and deposited into my accounts. I'd then use it for a couple of charities that I support. <sigh> My fantasies are both outlandish and mundane. What are your fantasies? What would you like to happen, even if it's unlikely?

The following passage showed up in my memories today, and I thought that I'd share it again. I found it inspirational, and I hope that you also find it meaningful. Good night!

"I resolve to continue to be myself, and encourage others to reach for the best in themselves. To laugh often, long and loud and to never stop loving. Above all else, to rejoice in every moment of the day. Beginning, of course, with a fine breakfast. Life is too short to surround yourself with miserable people, bad food or sadness."


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