

I had a video call with my pain management doctor this morning. On the upside, he said that I looked well, so that was good. We did talk about my waves of nausea, and my spiking pains and issues with bending over will need evaluating. He thinks that my low blood pressure contributes to various difficulties. Worst of all, he made it clear that travelling to Trinidad is out of contemplation for a couple of reasons. Hopefully we can address my pain challenges soon. I hope that Trinidad improves its situation soon, as that's one reason I'm not allowed to consider it. Most frustrating.

Jerry has been super glued to me all day. The only time he wasn't underfoot was while I was on the video call and he was with Don in the other room. He's curled up on the sofa with his toy, watching everyone as he pretends to sleep. There's hockey on now, so I am being ignored... It's all fine! I've got a book and a crochet project and some games so I'll be occupied.

I watched "Hamilton" today- streamed from one of my services. I regret that I wasn't able to see it in the theatre. Sadly, it's been almost 2 years since I was in a theatre! The last time was with friends to watch "The Neverending Story" on Valentine's Day, 2020. The gap is too long, although . I've watched some of the Symphony's programming in the past 2 years. My family and I had planned to see a show from Cirque du Soleil which was also cancelled and not yet rescheduled. Aah, how I miss live shows! Watching filmed shows is a good substitute, but still inadequate.

It would be so lovely to be able to return to live theatre. I know that I'll be labelled a "nerd" for this, but I do enjoy it. My preference is for musicals and the Pops, although I will listen to classical symphony and occasional plays. It's something that I like to do when I travel, and I usually find something. I really love going to the West End in London, and I'd be thrilled to do that again soon!

That's it for tonight. Good night!


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