infinitus est numerus stultorum


Another pain-filled day. It's annoying. I had planned to do a few things. but my energy didn't allow it, so I took a rest instead. That was not easy, as the truckers have been blowing horns since yesterday afternoon. It got louder and much worse as the day progressed. Jerry is unsettled by the noise and has been trying to find an escape from it. Don was watching the traffic jam on the news until I got too annoyed at the monumental stupidity on display by the people being interviewed. We've been inundated by horns and noise all day!

I'm distressed. These idiots are disrupting my day and my serenity. My distress is because I'm angry. I shouldn't allow them to interfere with my serenity. But the noise... As I said before, mixed in with the misguided idiots who object to being asked to do their part to control the spread of the plague, are other troglodytes who add all sorts of hateful causes. I'd love it if they really were exposed to tyranny and dictatorship. For myself, though, I've got to find my serenity again. The anger is not in my best interest.

Honestly, though, at the moment I want to do violence as the noise increases. I'm also trapped at home as all the streets around are gridlocked. Because of these mouth-breathers, all the shops are closed, since they were flooding in to use the washrooms. Right now, there's a constant bellow from truck horns-I'd like it if all of these "protesters" all lost their jobs. The "truckers," the other "supporters,"etc.. See?  I'm losing my calm because of these fools. I'm distressed with myself because of that.

I'll work on my serenity, and calm myself enough to sleep. I can't-and won't-allow others to dictate my mood. I'll have a cup of hot tea and crochet a few rows in my current project while wearing my noise cancelling headphones, (although, unfortunately, the noise is too loud to be effectively cancelled.) That's all for tonight. Cheers!


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