luctor et emergo

I apologize for taking up so much of your time talking about my depression. I only realized that I'd done that when a few people messaged me about it. There's no need to worry, my friends. I'll be OK. It's a bit of a concern as I'm struggling with winter and all that means, as well as a bit of the tiresomeness of my ongoing disease. It's really not worse than before, and I'll be good. The winter miseries will pass, and it won't last. But I will discuss it with my awesome pit team and we'll find a solution! We agreed a while back that I've got a brilliant pit crew, like a Formula One prizewinning car, and they look after me very well. I also know that, no matter how awesome my team, it's useless unless I keep them up to date on me, so we will discuss this adjustment in my mood. Have no fear! The tiny pup seems to know when I'm down, and he settles in for an extra snuggle. Don picks up quickly on his mood, so they care for me.

I'd love to be able to have people speak openly about the things that they care about most. I think that it's likely that they would have greater wisdom to share than we expect. We manage to shut down those who disagree with us very quickly, but sometimes we hear snippets that resonate with us. It's hard to stop talking long enough to hear what others are saying. I found that - sometimes, not always-these who disagree with me are full of surprising wisdom. But to hear it, we need to be ready to listen.  Doesn't matter how difficult it is to hear the news. we'll try making it possible for us to hear news... it's a moment for us to connect.'

That's about all for now. I'm going to try getting some rest and work on getting past my negative feelings. I know that there are things that I can work on, and I'm using my toolset, so I'm not completely hopeless. I'll keep on being as positive as possible, and I'll work my toolkit. Most important, I'll make it a priority to discuss with my medical team. It will be fine. Good night!


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