discere faciendo


Last night I was flat out exhausted, and I was falling asleep in my chair. I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been used as a punching bag! The pain is better now, but it's still there and I'd like it to please stop! My nurse was here today- in positive news, my vitals are all in the normal range. We noticed that I've apparently got areas on my back where I have no feeling. That's concerning, and we will monitor.. Hopefully it's something temporary. After he left, my lap became a dog bed. Jerry didn't move for over an hour... good thing I didn't have specific plans. Don reports pain in his arm-he'd fallen a couple of months ago, and it hasn't improved. I'd like him to go to the doctor, but... anyway, I hope things improve. I'm still looking for a family doctor for us, and I'll keep on with that.

I've mentioned that I've been talking with my niece about university. She's still over a year away from that, but we're trying to identify areas of interest. I've been reviewing prospectuses to get an idea of programmes available. It's very different from when I applied lo those years ago, mostly because I had a strong and clear idea of what I wanted to study (chemistry) and I didn't consider any others. My niece, though, doesn't have my single-minded focus on a subject, so we need to examine options.

For myself, I have to keep in mind that we're looking at options for her; my interests have to be sat upon so I don't unduly pressure her into my choices. It's an interesting balance, and I'm learning a lot about her and her interests. Although we have interests in common, we aren't identical. Plus her methods of learning are very different from mine. She goes to YouTube and TikTok, while I do other searches- and I'm not on TikTok. (Yes, T, I know I'm behind the times. No need to remind me!)

We've both got homework for this search. Hers is more important, obviously, to identify programmes of interest, then mine is to help with career options. I'm probably going to cheat and get her in contact with the career office at the University as well as squeeze the brains of my friends for info on their experiences. All in all, it's a definite challenge for us - and a little scary for her. She says that she's both excited and nervous about this, so she's relieved that we still have a year before university.

That's my update for today. I saw on the news that it's #NationalComplimentDay today-why not let someone know that you appreciate them? We can never tell people often enough how much they mean to us and how they improve our lives. Thank you are for taking the time to read my thoughts. I'm glad to know that you're there.  I was told that I’m a “true fighter with specks of nuttiness,” which I think is fair! 🤣😂 Good night!


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