communibus annis


Happy Orthodox New Year! May it be full of health, happiness and success. I was reminded of this date today while talking with my dear friend. She said that it was auspicious that I began my life in Canada on New Year's day. As you know, I need very few reasons to break into celebration, so I say-let's celebrate good times! Any objections? No, I didn't think so. I'll open a bottle of juice and drink to long life. heart, prosperity and many good friends around us. In the last day, I got messages from my fellow immigrants reminiscing on their landing in their new home. It's a moment that is embedded in the psyche and it takes very little to have the stories pour out. I love that these are all happy stories, where we can look back and realize that we've changed- for the better, and we've changed for good. (Helga and Sylvie, you should recognize that song.)

I'm glad to have the friends I do. They are good at uplifting my spirits when I'm feeling low and they're also good at ensuring that I don't spend too much time wallowing in self-pity. Even if I'm grumpy about their involvement.

Jerry is curled up on my toes now. He was confined with Don in the bedroom while my personal care worker was here. (He was over 3 hours late!) Jerry must have picked up on our irritation, as he spent a lot of time barking as the worker did his job. When my boys emerged, Jerry did a perimeter check and jumped into my lap to let me know that he is on guard and defending me from sneaky intruders. Don is temporarily abandoned, as I've got the pup!  No comment on my infantile behaviour 😆

I’m very sleepy so I’ll be off to try and achieve some balance  We will explore other, more complicated things in the next few days.  But tonight it’s just a time to cuddle up in my blankets with a hot beverage as it’s -20-nasty tonight  and windy  Brr!  Good night 


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