circulus vitiosus

Happy Day of the Kings. It's the end of Christmas for another year-except that tomorrow begins the Orthodox Christmas season. Isn't celebrating fun? There are so many things to be happy about, and sharing the fun -just makes it better.

Apparently, being in isolation while in palliative care means that my nurses come to visit every other day. They were here yesterday. and I got a call about an hour ago to tell me that the nurse would be here at early o'clock in the morning! The boys expressed their displeasure in their unique ways-Don by making a face and Jerry by jumping on my lap and growling at the phone..- we're all trying to keep apart, although it's a challenge. But we've managed to maintain a distance, and I haven't been able to get my back rubs.  I get lots of puppy snuggles though.

I'm off to an early night. My energy is a bit low, and I'm struggling with some bouts of depression-. It's harder to address that when I'm tired, so rest becomes a priority. It's not easy, but I'll work on that. I realized that my ability to work on my optimism is affected when my energy is low and I'm tired. I'm trying to remain upbeat, and get rest. It’s a circle, which I need to break… I hope that I can find the key to breaking out of the depression . Good night.


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