in somnis veritas


Tonight is a short entry. I'm still tired and I've fallen asleep in my chair a few times today. Don was enjoying himself, taking pictures of me sleeping with my iPad in danger of falling from my fingers. He was trying to get Jerry to jump on my lap and wake me up, but Jerry wouldn't co-operate; instead, he was pouncing on Don and trying to get him to play. Jerry did, eventually, climb into my lap for a tummy rub, so life is back to normal.

I had a visit from a nurse today to check on me. That was followed by another delivery of PPE- so I've got enough gloves for all the residents of my condo building! (I'll be keeping the KN-95 masks for us, though!) The nurse checked my temperature (which was normal), updated my chart and left. He came over an hour later than he'd said, which added to my tiredness today.

I was half-watching a clip on the news in which someone had apparently made an observation that the characters in a (popular, older, kids') movie appeared to be negative stereotypes of a racial group. This led to Twitter-fuelled outrage against the movie, the author of the books on which the movie was based and the personality who had made the comment. It contains the now-standard calls for "cancelling" various things and people, and other hate-filled comments. It occurred to me that if people put even half of the effort expended on online trolling into useful work, civilization would be significantly better off! I think it holds true regardless of the field-I mean, the hours that have been devoted to misinformation could have probably solved world hunger. And the time spent on racial hatred could have cured all disease. why do we spend so much effort on hatred and division? It's tragic, I think. I'm off to dream of a better, kinder world, fall of loving people! Good night.


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