
A beautiful drone-taken shot of the north coast of Trinidad… sharing some sun and sea on a chilly, damp spring day 😊  Longing to get into that water myself, but… soon!  Jerry is pacing around, he’s been evicted from my lap and is looking for an excuse to get into mischief; he’s thrown his ball at my legs a few times and is standing by Don, wagging his little stumpy tail.  Don’s watching a true crime documentary, with some particularly gruesome details.  There were a few games last night, so he was up quite late catching up on them!

I slept better last night than the night before, which is great.  I didn’t especially want to get up this morning, as I was warm and cozy, but I did and got on with the day.  My sister-friend dropped by with lunch (including dessert and drinks!!) so I didn’t have to worry about that.  Yay for friends who  drop off lunch (and thanks to the one who dropped off lunch, tea and donut yesterday!!)  My tummy is happier today than it was, although I find that I get remarkably full very fast.  I’m finding that my meals have to be extended for a while, as I need to pause before I can continue to eat.  I’m also much less cranky than I was yesterday; everything just seemed too much… I don’t know what happened, but again I have no worker today.  I think the agency is going to recognize my number pretty soon, since I keep calling to ask what’s happening with my worker?  I leave voicemails at least twice a week lately, plus emails to the manager… 

I got an invitation to join a 2-week “read-a-thon” in which participants are asked to read books by a particular author, including a book that’s a favourite, one we’ve never read, one that’s intended for young children, one for young adults, etc.  It’s a fun challenge, and it seems that there are about 30 people from different countries participating.  It happens to be an author I enjoy, so I think I’ll be diving in starting Monday as planned.  The challenge (not a problem) will be choosing the favourite; I’ve got several from that author that I love, although there’s one that might edge out the competition!  It’ll be difficult to find one I haven’t read before, so much hunting online will be happening.  

My sister just texted me the great news that she has to come to Ottawa on business later this month, so I’m doing happy dances at the idea!  It will be nice and warm and perhaps we can go find a patio to sit on and enjoy the weather.  I’ll have to talk with my niece and nephew to find out what they might like as mementos, since they will be left at home and they don’t think it’s fair for Mom to visit me without them!  I know they are waiting for me to visit, so I’ll have to sort that out.  I also heard that another friend is planning a trip in May, so I’m anticipating some fun meals!

I’m going to get something to eat and play with the little monster who’s staring at me and nibbling on my leg to get my attention.  Good night!


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