Sunday after Easter

🎼🎶 Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day!  I have a beautiful feeling everything’s going my way ðŸŽ¶  A yellow poui tree in full bloom from Trinidad, which is like sunshine on a tree!  Isn’t it lovely?  It was beautiful, sunny and (fairly) warm today.  It’s currently about 15C, which is perfect for this time of year.  Jerry is sulking on my feet; he was having an attack of the zoomies this afternoon and played tug o’war with a blanket, which he managed to tear.  (He’s got really sharp teeth!) He got a small yelling, and has hmphed his way onto my toes!  Don was griping about the pain in his legs today and has been resting quite a bit, in between sports recordings.  No comment on those LOL

I was out for a bit this morning; I was “kidnapped” for a quick coffee and time by the river with my sister-friend.  I’d delayed to today just to give myself time to recover from treatment, although it’s been easier on my system than the last time.  She’s a very accommodating kidnapper, as she buys the coffee and tells me that I can end the kidnapping when I get tired 😆  I tried an earl grey latte today, and I think it’s my new favourite treat!  Ah, indulgence…  My (alternate) Sunday worker was here earlier; she’s extremely regular, and I know that she’ll be here within 5 minutes of her schedule.  She mentioned in passing that he birthday was last Sunday, which was her day off… she seems to have enjoyed her day.  

One of my friends pointed out that I seem to spend a lot of time following up and keeping in touch with people.  I don’t think that I do, really, I think that I am not as good a correspondent as I could be (other than this blog.)  I would like to be able to spend more time with friends and relatives, preferably travelling around or doing fun things.  One of the great parts of warmer weather is that I’m more inclined to go out and meet up with others.  The downside is that I tend to get tired fairly quickly, so the long walks that I otherwise would enjoy are beyond my abilities.  When I moved here, I loved the walking nature of my neighbourhood — my mother used to laugh when I said that pretty much everything was a 10-15 minute walk from my condo.  The area has changed, and many of the shops are now gone, so it’s not as convenient.  Worse, though, is that I can’t comfortably walk the 10-15 minutes any longer.  I can do a block, then I need to stop and breathe, which is exhausting.  

I just realized that I’m really hungry, so I’m going to see what I can manage for dinner.  Good night!


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