
It’s still poui season in Trinidad, so I’m getting several photos of trees in full bloom.  I always loved this time of year, when the trees are so glorious, so I’m going to share them with you.  Look at that golden carpet of flowers that fell from the tree!  Isn’t that beautiful?  Jerry is right now attacking a plastic bottle, tossing it around, trying to open it and having a great time playing with it.  He seems happy with it, just quietly gnawing on it, so I’ll leave him for a while.  He’s always been a “chewy” dog, and the only thing he can’t really destroy are rubber or plastic items.  Anything fabric is shredded in moments… Don needed to take his pain meds today as he said that his legs were bad, so that means that he may very well not get a good night’s sleep — the meds keep him awake.  We’ll see how it goes; his team has 1 more game this year before their ultimate elimination, so he’s got to find someone else to support!

I didn’t sleep well last night either.  Insomnia seems to be haunting me for a few days.  I may very well take one of my sleeping aids tonight, just to try for some sleep.  We will see.  I ate a bit more today than yesterday (not especially difficult, I know) and may very well have another snack later.  The pharmacist called today to do a medication review, which they do annually, just to check that my assorted prescriptions are current.  She and I (and my doctor) are all happy that I’ve been able to reduce both the number and dosage of the meds that I do take, and she’s faxing my GP about my vaccination schedule.  She recommended that I get boosters for a couple items, and that I should get another 3 vaccines.  I’ll have a sore arm soon 😆 In other news (because I’m often asked this) I’m not in any pain, nor any real discomfort, I’m just trying to be able to eat more/more often and slow down my weight loss.  I’m also happy to report that I can stand and walk a little longer, although I can’t walk very far without needing to catch my breath.  

We were watching a couple of old TV shows (1980s/early 90s vintage) and Don commented that he was surprised that I knew some older songs and actors (I will immediately confess that I don’t know most current music, actors or movies) and wondered how that came to be.  I had to say that many of the songs I knew because they had appeared on The Muppet Show, as did some of the performers; other actors I recognized from Star Trek series or from movies that are now 20+ years old!  I think that the most recent music that I know and like is from before 2010; although I sometimes listen to current pop stations, I don’t especially like most of what I hear.  I think this means that I have to gracefully accept that I’m aging… because I’m not about to try to pretend to be a clubber or that I like stuff I don’t.  I was happily listening to some music and then saw articles that pointed out the age of the song… I’m in some shock to realize that some of my favourite music is over 40 years old!  It got me thinking, and it’s been 38 years this year since I graduated from high school.  So the songs that we listened to/danced to are at least 38 years old!  It’s like a cold shower to admit that age is catching up to us… and just emphasized by classmates who are now grandparents!  

I’m going to indulge in some of my high school / university music, and forget that I’m a full adult who’s supposed to be a “wise elder” for a bit.  Anyone joining me in Peter Pan mode?  Good night!


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