Sister time
It’s been a rainy, cool couple of days, but since my sister is here with me, that really doesn’t matter. Jerry is trying to decide whether to complain because there’s someone else in his space or to wriggle happily because there’s another slave to play with him… he hasn’t made up his mind yet. Don is watching assorted games, so is happy not to be interrupted by conversation on random topics, but is having fun teasing my sister and getting teased back. He opted out of 2 excellent dinners, because he’s a fussy eater… we made up for it 😉
I’d gone to sleep early last night, around 9, but woke up at 1am and didn’t go back to sleep, despite my best efforts. Oddly enough, I didn’t feel sleepy until it was almost time to head out tonight. Last night, we had an excellent Chinese dinner, where we all (3 of us) ate WAY too much and we needed to be carted out in wheelbarrows 😆 Leftovers are in the fridge. Tonight we opted for a full Balkan dinner, as a girls’ night out, and ate again far too much, with leftovers in the fridge! I can’t even freeze the leftovers, but it’s all good. The only negative was that the chairs in the restaurant were not especially comfortable, and last night left me in tremendous pain; tonight there were some armchairs in the restaurant’s waiting area, and they were a lot more comfortable for after dinner coffee and chatting. I’m still a little sore, but not as bad as yesterday. Heading to bed early to try to get some decent sleep and a good rest.
I was very amused… on Sunday, I spoke with my niece and nephew, just ahead of my sister’s arrival. My niece wanted to tell me that Momma was coming to Ottawa for a few days, and she wanted to know if she would be with me. So we explained that she would be working, but we’d meet for dinner in the evening. I told my niece “thank you for letting me borrow my sister for the few days. What would you like as a ‘thank you’ present for lending me your momma?” Without pausing for breath, she said, “A toy jewellery box.” Then last night, when we were talking, she said, “Auntie Sonja, are you buying or making my jewellery box?” I said that I’d have to buy it, because I couldn’t easily make one. Then I asked if it was OK that I borrowed my sister; she said, “No. But I’m kind, so I’ll let you.” She’s 5 going on 19… I asked what does my nephew get for his thank you present, and was told, “He’s ok, he doesn’t need anything.” 😁
On that note, I’ll wrap up and head in to bed. It’s getting late, my back is tired and sore, and I’m going to try to get some sleep. My sister heads home tomorrow, and I’m not sure if we’ll meet before she leaves — she has to be at the airport around lunchtime, so depending on how her meetings go, we may not have time. In any case, she’ll be back in a couple of weeks, when we’ve got other fun things to do as the weather will improve a bit! Good night!
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