
🎼🎶  Though April showers may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May 🎶 That old song was in my mind when we headed to my appointment this afternoon.  It’s been raining with high winds since last night, and it’s bitingly cold from the damp!  To make up for that, you get a lovely moonlit poui tree taken last week in Trinidad.  Jerry dislikes the wind, which was blowing strongly for most of the night and he was trying to find a place to hide from it.  He gets nervous at the sound of high winds, especially since they’re rattling my windows and finding cracks through which to seep.  He just rolled himself into a blanket and is hiding out there away from the bangs and bumps.  Don was up pretty late last night watching his game… then fell asleep about an hour before we were due to leave.  I could feel the wind buffeting the car on the way home, and it was so nice to return to a cozy house out of the weather which is not at all encouraging to be out.  I have a feeling that there will be a marathon of true crime documentaries tonight, as Don has a number of them recorded 😝 

So I had my appointment this afternoon, and my blood work in preparation for chemo.  All good, and chemotherapy goes ahead tomorrow afternoon.  Lesson learned from the last time means that I’ll be certain to take my antinausea meds before treatment, so that I’m not throwing up after!  I have my meds all ready, so I’ll be taking them in the morning, although treatment is in the afternoon so there’s a good chance that I’ll take the night off tomorrow and the next post will be on Friday.

I have to wonder sometimes about the way people’s minds work… someone was saying to me, in a sense of panic, that they were concerned about the eclipse as they had seen some YouTube videos saying that the eclipse would cause “3 days of darkness, so total that even candles and flashlights wouldn’t work” so people should stock up on necessities.  Now, I’ve heard about this “3 days of darkness” nonsense since I was a young teen, and I was scared the first time — it was presented as “the third secret of Fatima” and usually accompanied by an injunction to say several lengthy prayers and so on.  In the last 40-odd years it has popped up repeatedly, and has changed from “Mother Mary wants you to pray” to “God is angry with humans” to “the end times have come.”  I don’t know what this video showed and I’m not about to increase its popularity by searching for it and watching it.  But honestly, how can people fall for that tripe, especially nowadays when practically everyone has the collective wisdom of humanity available at the end of a search online. Please don’t spread anything like that, as it’s not in the least helpful to anyone and just encourages the creation of more of that kind of rubbish.

I’m going to figure out dinner… probably hot soup, since it’s such a chilly, damp night.  I’m looking forward to warmer weather and to catching up with friends when I’m not in treatment; I’m hoping to have a few sessions for tea, etc over the next couple of weeks.  Jerry is scratching to get up on my lap, so I’ve got to go.  Good night!


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