
Scarlet ibis heading to nest at sunset, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad.  I remember watching birds flocking overhead as night drew in, with shrieking parrots and brilliantly coloured macaws before the bats and owls emerged in the darkness.  Jerry had extended snuggle time today; he climbed into my lap, curled up and fell fast asleep… or so I thought.   I picked up my camera to take a photo of him and he immediately woke up, shook himself, knocked the phone out of my hand and jumped down!  Don is avidly watching a game, and the playoffs start tonight, so I’ll be amusing myself for the next few months.  At least I have books and several series to stream (for when I get access to the TV!)

I had good intentions of going to sleep early last night, and said that I was going to bed around 9pm… Don went channel surfing and found the Billy Joel 100th concert at Madison Square Gardens and there went my sleep!  I watched it again this morning, as we’d switched over about 25 minutes in, and I enjoyed watching it.  It was woefully cut, between ads and fitting into a TV schedule, but it was great to listen to.  I’ve had 2 decent sized meals today (at least, I think so) and I’m feeling full.  I’ll work out dinner later, but right now, it’ll be a cup of tea and a biscuit.

I spent a lot of today watching music videos.  Started with the Billy Joel concert, then some other of his songs, then some other singers including Elton John, Sting, Bon Jovi and Culture Club, followed by the Muppets.  Love the Muppets!  It’s how I got to know many of the celebrities of the 70s and earlier, and how I managed to listen to a lot of country music, even though I was never a huge fan of it. I have this belief that if the Muppets didn’t feature it, it wasn’t worth hearing LOL  I first heard artists like Buffy Saint Marie, Cab Calloway and John Denver, among others, on either the Muppet Show or Sesame Street.  Granted, they fell out of fashion in the mid-1990s, following (ironically) the purchase by Disney, so the celebrities all date from earlier years, and overlap with the time when I paid attention to pop culture.  These days, I hear about scads of people who are popular, but I couldn’t identify them if my life depended on it.  I know, I’m old and out of touch… on the flip side, though, today made me happy and feel like things aren’t so bad.  That’s got to be a good thing, right?  

I did warn some people, including Don, that I might well be singing random songs for a few days; I recommend joining in at the chorus of “Rainbow Connection” 😁  It’s better for my psyche than watching the news, which is (as usual) a fermenting cesspool of misery.  I’ll return to playing some music and enjoying happy memories before I start reading grant applications!

Jerry is pretending to sleep, but his eyes open every few seconds to check what I’m doing… he’s so cute when he’s quiet!  Good night.


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